11 July 2023

Narrow the Gaps???

Netanyahu: 'We want to narrow the gaps for Arab society'
A new subcommittee chaired by the Prime Minister met today to discuss various ways to integrate Arabs more fully into Israel. 
[…] ""We are interested in narrowing the gaps and bringing about the full integration of the Arab society in Israel. We discussed credit, education, Hebrew, welfare, legislation, and many other issues here."

"We also have a special focus on the fight against crime in Arab society, which makes the lives of the Arab citizens of Israel miserable. It is already a national problem."

[sounds like he is “usurping" Itamar Ben-Gvir’s ideas for the Arab Communities?]
Read full article at


all i can say is “good grief”! 
remember his “gift” to the Israeli people from Feizer?


1 comment:

moshe said...

Of course, he gets his orders.
The whole idea of a Jewish country after 2 millenia of waiting, yearning and praying is to have it be a 'Jewish' country as G-D had promised and given to the true Am Yisrael. It was not about sharing, c'v! Where is Moshiach? This is the time for birur and for every Jew to make the choice, 'who is with Hashem and, c'v, who is against'.