25 July 2023

ARMILUS: “We Are Going Into Civil War"

over the one clause that gave leftists their power over everyone

Olmert to British TV: We are going into a civil war now

Former PM speaks to Britain's Channel 4, claims Israel faces civil war following the approval of the bill reducing the use of the reasonableness standard.

The first judicial reform in Israel happened in the years 1992-1999.  Supreme Court Justice Aharon Barak issued a series of rulings which gave birth, eventually to a new doctrine.  By doing so, he reformed 44 years of history.  He did so surreptitiously – without any legislator passing a law.   His rulings slowly introduced four new terms that did not exist previously “(1) reasonableness, (2) good faith, (3) public policy, and (4) violation of legal duty.”

These terms are subject to the whimsical interpretation of judges.  Unlike the United States, these judges are not appointed by the government under the advisement of the legislative body.  They are appointed by a committee of other judges.

What Israel’s current government passed today was the first step in undoing Justice Barak’s surreptitious move.  We can call this, “Judicial re-reform.”  The government’s view is that the judicial branch of government has usurped the role of the executive branch in appointing the judges and usurped the role of the legislative branch in creating an ability that lies beyond “interpretation of the law.”  Rather, the unelected court can apply its own definition of these four terms to the laws that it wants to nix as they see fit.

The media, the leftist members of the Knesset, and sadly – even the president of the United States are trying to paint this as a repeal of democracy.  But is it?  If anything, it seems to be strengthening democracy.   Vinnews

Former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert claimed on Monday that the country faces civil war following the approval in the Knesset of the bill reducing the use of the reasonableness standard.

“There is a threat. It is a serious threat. It’s never happened before, and we are going into a civil war now,” Olmert said in an interview with Britain’s Channel 4.

The interviewer then wondered aloud, “A civil war?” to which the former Prime Minister responded, “Yeah, I mean, civil disobedience with all the possible ramifications to the stability of the state and to the ability of the government to perform, and to the obedience of the large part of the Israeli population, to a government which is perceived by a large part of the population to be illegitimate.”

He claimed, “Government has decided to threaten the foundations of Israeli democracy, and this is not something that we can accept or that we can tolerate.”

Olmert has in the past caused an uproar when he called for civil disobedience to protest the government’s judicial reform, but refused to retract those calls.

Last week, the former Prime Minister suggested that the US should downgrade relations with Israel in response to the proposed judicial reform.

NOTE: let me know if you have trouble reading this, as blogger has once again reduced text sizes to conform to phone viewing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If Armelus is Olmert then his brother, Romelus must be Ehud Barak.

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