31 July 2023


I was made aware of the incoming system (and several other disturbing phenomenon) in 2000 by a family member that was in a position to know such things, thanks to his gig as a NASA engineer, DOD contractor and later as black project engineer. Found Dave in 2017. Thus far he has been spot on. See no reason to doubt him now. Dave, you're the only channel I follow for these matters. Please know you are loved and appreciated and respected. Keep up the good fight, Brother, we need you now more than ever!

Its incredible for 1 man to be able to put the pieces together. Yet Dave is able to break it down for us

They pretty much discounted Pluto from our solar system in 2006 - so they had to have confirmed the model Dave has come up with - makes so much sense to me now

Amazing stuff, thank you. I watch the sun(s) set and moon set almost every night from my property. The moon once was setting in the west near where the sun was setting, now it sets in the South between two mountain peaks, literally on the opposite side of my view from where it once did less than a month ago. We were continually watching the moon turn orange/red when it got closer to the horizon, now it is not changing color, but is not setting even close to where it did less than 3 weeks ago.

Well, my friend, you are correct, it is growing larger in our skies, but it is the Earth that is orbiting towards Nibiru, as Nibiru is orbiting down from our Sun. Nibiru will be doing a close flyby, in front of the Earth real soon, causing massive damage here on Earth, but, as it passes, it will cause the Earth's Crust to shift South-West by almost 30 degrees ... then, we will be flying right through its massive tail of debris for almost 3 days :(

Can't deny human involvement endangering Earth via HAARP or CERN, etc. One example of presumed human interference can be seen watching regular videos of Mt. Popocatepetl, with craft flying over, and then fire and smoke emanating from the volcano - as in videos provided by Mizz Jade_Eye. Appreciate your continued passion and diligence on this subject, thank you.

Damn Dave, MrMBB333 is showing this comet , and he called it a horn planet, I said it looked like the wing planet! I don’t know about that horned planet, but I do know about the Wing planet , and he said it’s got a long tail! All I know is I believe it’s the planetary system you, Dave have been showing us!!! Thank you, Dave for all you have done for all of humanity

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