23 July 2023

Democracy or a Republic?

Are we headed toward:

Rabbi Hanina, who had been the Deputy High Priest before the Roman conquest of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Second Temple is cited in tractate Avot (Talmud, b. Avot 3:2) as saying: "Pray for the welfare of the government, for were it not for fear of it, people would swallow one another alive."

In Eretz Yisrael, after a DEMOCRATIC election, the leftists LOST. Now they are *protesting all over the country in order to undue their loss and maintain CONTROL over the courts and society. 



What the anti-Judicial mobs deem as “democracy” is "an unbridled leftist **'anything goes' anti-religious immoral lifestyle"! 

The end of “supreme court dominance” is a good thing. Their distortion of “democracy” is pure ignorance and vengence. They are too permissive of the arab aggression believing that we Jews dispossessed them. 

This invalidates the heroic Israeli settler who values the word of Hashem and the specialness of the Land of Israel [visit], as we are to read in Sefer Devarimof which Moshe Rabbeinu designated Yehoshua to bring across the Yarden to plant, sow, and create a viable nation on the Land.

We are Yehudim (“Jews”) who survived thousands of years of golus, and now Hashem has brought us back to reside on our Land. 

Like the immoral mob who danced around a calf and displayed …….. who killed “Hur” grandson of Aaron; and who threatened Aaron HaKohen to “do as they demand.” 

These same mobsters, the ‘supreme progressive leftists that want to be like the other non-Jewish nations of the world, without our Torah, and without God, are now usurping the meaning of ‘democracy’ and fearfully causing havoc in our tiny country because they envision a “trans-sition” to their liking.


Since what happens at the other end of the umbilical cord (America) will also happen in Israel (as a mirror image in this Geulah process). America is also fighting within, against a foreign induced government, led by their very own insurrectionists (some of which are our Erev Rav traitors). 

Former attorney general Avichai Mandelblit said Thursday that the coalition’s bill to cancel the judicial “reasonableness” test for governmental decisions would “crush” the Supreme Court and constitute “a full-blown regime coup.” [NOT IF THEY JUDGED BY THE “RULE OF LAW,” not by a supposed personal perception]

At an “emergency conference” held by the Israel Bar Association in Tel Aviv, Mandelblit said the bill’s “purpose is to crush the independence of the entire justice system,” apparently meaning it will be followed by other overhaul bills. But even on its own, he argued, the reasonableness bill “will crush Israeli democracy’s last line of defense — the Supreme Court.”

MEMBER INSURRECTIONISTS are contriving in all ways possible to declare the unanimous voters in the democratic election for a NEW GOVERNMENT as anti-democratic and extremists initiating a “coup”. BUT the “coup” they profess is being created on their side of the voting box, by the leftists themselves.

Au Contraire:

In a recent column “U.S. system ruled by ‘tyranny of the minority,’” Nancy Eubanks [see: System ruled by tyranny of the minority] stated that everyone would agree that the Founding Fathers “wanted to form a representative democracy — democracy defined as a form of government ruled by the majority of the people.”

I would disagree and suggest that she stop reciting popular talking points and review our history. The Founding Fathers did not want democracy to rule. “Hence it is that democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and in general have been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths … A republic, by which I mean a government in which a scheme of representation takes place, opens a different prospect and promises the cure for which we are seeking.” — James Madison, Federalist Papers No. 10.

Marvin Simkin said: “Democracy is not freedom. Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to eat for lunch. Freedom comes from the recognition of certain rights which may not be taken, not even by a 99 percent vote.”

True democracy is the tyranny of the majority. True democracy is mob rule. Thankfully, we do not live in a democracy. We live in a republic. Article IV Section 4, of the Constitution: “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of government … ”

And living in this republic means that every voice matters, majorities do not rule and those with the loudest voices do not automatically win. The will of the people means all of the people.

Eubanks pointed out that the Founding Fathers worried about the tyranny of the majority and safeguarded against it, and that the Constitution works well by not allowing it to happen.

Then she claimed that government is dysfunctional because, since polls show that the majority of the people are in favor of gun control and immigration reform, “the will of the people is being thwarted.” I submit that you have no problem with the “tyranny of the majority” — so long as you are in the majority. Were you in the minority on these issues, you would be grateful that you live in a republic — and not a democracy.

Eubanks cites polls when those polls are on her side. But, as we should all know, anyone can find polls that back up their point of view. But how poll questions are phrased and how research is done can strongly affect the outcome. And, often, the people who pay for these polls have a great interest in affecting that outcome.

As for those two pesky Senate votes she feels give Wyoming too much sway: That little detail is in the same Constitution that you believe “has worked well for us for more than 200 years.” 

The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two senators from each state. [U.S. Constitution, Article I, section 3, clause 1]. Each state gets two senators so that heavily populated states can’t drown out the interests of those with smaller populations. That’s one of those safeguards against the “tyranny of the majority” our Founding Fathers saw fit to provide. […] 




*some call it ‘protesting’ however it resembles more the hoards of rampaging and snorting bulls into a chinaware boutique in Spain.

**anything goes means ‘gender confusion’, gender mutilation, child abuse, and much more, which is documented as having infiltrated the child kindergartens, and state-run religious schools.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There's no doubt this is a coup. There's a worldwide upheaval purosely being imposed on all fair minded and normal people because the war of these fascist protesters in Israel and their ilk in other places is against the Creator and His set of Laws which was given to Am Yisrael and to mankind. The good guys must stand strong against them or all is lost (until Moshiach arrives) but by then it could turn out to be hell on earth. That is their goal, c'v.
Any rational person sees this because it is clear as day. They manipulate the youth to their thinking, c'v. There are more than 8 billion people on earth and they are a mere 2% (or less) or so but they usurped so much power that people think there is no choice. The 98% or so really have the power because they are the majority but must be taught and exposed to truth. The media is being used now just as it was 85 years ago, so imagine the power of the media at a time when technology has so advanced. We must remember we have Hashem and that is all that matters!
The Amaleikim and Erev Rav Amaleikim worldwide are behind this. Remember what the Torah explicity says - 'Remember what Amaleik did when you were weak - DO NOT Forget! Hashem cannot
be appeased until we show our devotion to Him by sanctifying His Name by standing up against evil, and then He will do the rest.
May we soon greet Moshiach b'rachamim.

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