20 July 2023

New Twist to Meaning of “Life Guard"

JERUSALEM (VINnews) — In a video clip published on social media , a female lifeguard can be heard talking to the social activist Shimon Cohen in Tiberias, who was looking to hire a lifeguard for the municipal beach. The call took a rapid turn for the worse when the lifeguard heard where she would be deployed.

“Is this a separate beach?” the lifeguard asks, referring to the separation by gender that is practiced at many Israeli beaches. Cohen answers in the affirmative.

“I’d be willing to take the job,” the lifeguard continues, but I should warn you ahead of time – if I see a religious woman drowning, I’m going to ignore her. I can’t stand religious people.”

“That’s fine,” Cohen answered. “If you see a haredi woman drowning, don’t jump in after her, because we’d rather she drown than that an impure woman like you touch her.” 

The conversation demonstrates the current shrill levels of incitement against the religious public, which is seen as the main benefactor of judicial reforms in Israel. The human rights organization Btsalmo has petitioned for a police investigation of the woman in question, claiming that her statements are tantamount to confessing to aiding murder.


Anonymous said...

Wow, there's a bunch of garbage that has to be thrown out! A lot of wicked erev rav 'souls' who don't belong in EY. In their place, we need many true Yidden coming up to EY to take the place of the Erev Rav.

Anonymous said...

this just shows, that Mashiach and judgement day very close.

Hold on..

More teshuva needed

At this point in time, this sounds good

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