20 July 2023

Selective Enforcement on Steroids – Don’t let them do this!

Police today (Tuesday) dispersed right-wing demonstrators who had gathered at the entrance to Kibbutz Ma'agan Michael in northern Israel at the same time that anti-government protestors blocked roads in central Israel.

The right-wing activists gathered at the entrance to the kibbutz and claimed that the police allowed the kibbutz residents to block a major road just a few hundred feet away and did not act against that left-wing demonstrator until much later.

Police removed the right-wing activists and threatened them with fines and arrests. The activists claimed that one protestor, who was recording a police officer while the officer was taking his information, was subsequently attacked by the police.

The Hotam organization criticized the police for acting against the right-wing demonstrators while treating left-wing demonstrators with kid gloves. 

"This is a group of anarchists that is not ready to accept the results of the elections and is disrupting the lives of all citizens. Under the auspices of the media, they want to control our minds and determine how we behave and think while damaging the Jewish character of the country and our Jewish identity. Unfortunately, all law enforcement systems are cooperating with them, first and foremost the Israel Police. The public in Israel is revolting against the anarchists and will not allow them to establish a dictatorship here.”

One of the activists stated: "The situation is ridiculous, it's selective enforcement on steroids, the police were not interested in the protest of the left that delayed thousands of people. They were only interested in the gate of the kibbutz. The police acted with determination against us, but it was only after a long time that they started to do something about the blockage of the beach road."

"One of the policemen behaved violently and harshly. This situation cannot continue, the State of Israel must reform the judicial system and the prosecutor's office," he added.

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