26 July 2023

King Hezekiah of Judah vs. King Senacheriv of Assyria

Understand this, everything that looks “not good” and “worrisome” “dangerous” has a “silver lining” and IY”H will be exposed over Tisha B’Av or afterwards

929 - מכון מגלי"ם: עימות גורלי: חזקיהו מלך יהודה מול סנחריב מלך אשור

929 - Magalim Institute: A fateful confrontation: King Hezekiah of Judah versus King Sennacherib of Assyria


Anonymous said...

Basically, for those who don't know Hebrew:
The king of Assyria gathered his enormous army to breach the walls of Yerushalayim in the time of Chizkayahu, King of Judea, one of the most righteous of our kings. There was not a man, woman or child who were not versed in Torah. They prayed hard to Hashem to spare them and our holy City.
The enemy army went to sleep in order to get up early in the morning to besiege the City. But,
none, none of them woke up. They were all dead. It was an open Miracle. Their army consisted of 185,000 troops (the commentary also tell us that each troop had their own soldiers too).
When we are with Hashem, Hashem is there for us!

Neshama said...

Great. Thanks alot.
But you left out one imp. thing.
When the King was told, heard/saw the Army amassed, he turned to the wall and prayed and begged Hashem. Then he went to sleep with full bitachon.
In the morning……etc.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Neshama. Just wanted the basics out there to know what they're talking about.
Praying that the next 9th of Av will be a feast day!

At this point in time, this sounds good

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