24 July 2023

וועדת החוקה חה"כ שמחה רוטמן בנאום בהפגנת הימין בקפלן



Esser Agaroth said...

It's insane how much hate he's getting.

In the U. S., the Supreme Court Justices are chosen by the president, then confirmed by the Senate. In Israel there is actually a selection committee, which includes... currently sitting Supreme Court justices, allowing them at least some influence to get their fellow cronies on the Court!

The proposed changes are being made by the majority government which we just elected into power last fall.

The robotic Israelis in the streets are crying dictatorship. Even though the elected government ran partly on the platform of judicial reform. The true dictatorship is Israel's Supreme Court which has the power to strike down any laws it doesn't like passed by the Knesset (Parliament) that we Israelis elected into power.

I have never seen such a successful brainwashing campaign in Israel in my life!

Esser Agaroth on Judicial Reform

Neshama said...

Thank you, as usual very onspot with your criticism!

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