25 July 2023

May Moshiach Please be Revealed Soon

the following is from the website of The Voice of the Jewish Heart

It appears that the sole objective of the erev rav is to silence 

the Voice of the Jewish Heart. 

They attack us from every direction. What is the end goal: 

elimination of Torah Jewry. 

What are their methods: 

arrests, detentions, trials, slander and..get ready…

encouraged assimilation.

Yes, the erev rav forbids anything related to Judaism to be made available in the schools but encourages all things related to Christianity 

 They do not want the children to be “Judaized.” 

Even the IDF encourages missionaries and restricts Rabbis.

Now, they come after the one who has saved 

and is saving 

thousands of Jewish women, some very young, who find themselves lured into abusive relationships with Arab men. 

What is the crime? 

In the eyes of the erev rav, intermarriage is just one of the many channels through which 

they destroy Torah Jewry. 

Australia: The government sponsored and implemented a program whose purpose was to eradicate the original inhabitants of Australia. How would it be done? 

They would “breed” out the race. 

This is what the erev rav wants to do through their encouragement of intermarriage and harassing of all those 

who fight for HaShem to save every Jewish child.

May Moshiach please be revealed soon. 



Anonymous said...

Excellent and important article. I have long felt this to be so; this was goal of erev rav (amaleikim) since they left Mitzrayim with the Yehudim.
Now, it's the zman we pray Hashem will finish what He started about '3400 years ago with the makot Mitzrayim'. We are taught that Hashem left over some of the makot for keitz hayamim.

Anonymous said...

May Moshiach be revealed very soon - now, today, in a blink of an eye: AMEN, KEN YEHI RATZON!
In the meantime, it seems we're living in a nightmare.

Neshama said...

IY”H Please

Anonymous said...

This puzzles me what you wrote:

'the erev rav forbids anything related to Judaism to be made available in the schools but encourages all things related to Christianity"

Yet ironically, in USA and also in Canada, the schools are being stopped (and many have) from teaching their Bible.
Even the churches there are being attacked, and also a Pastor in Calgary, Alberta, has been arrested, and beaten for preaching in his church and elsewhere.

So they 'Christians', are also being persecuted.

But not so much the churches who follow the teachings of the pope, the 'roman' catholic one.

I find it all funny.
But who cares, eyes on Hashem, and Hashem is the Creator and Director of this world,

Judaism teaches All things happen, as Hashem directs, so not to despair.

or what do you all suggest.

Noah follower.

Anonymous said...

To Anon, Noah follower - you are correct that they 'are' trying to end all religions all over.
The reason that it is the opposite in EY is because this is just part of their plan. They know
the Land of Israel is holy and the Jewish people are G-D's people; they are demonic forces
who know there is a G-D but are at war with the Creator because they want to become gods themselves (repeat of the Tower of Bavel), and they think they will take over the rule of the world and rule from Jerusalem, c'v. They have their plan all set up. They think they can win - hard to believe such nonsense, but do believe this is part of their agenda. What the exact details are, we don't know, but Hashem KNOWS and that's all that matters!

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