25 July 2023

Irresponsible Journalism


article headline by timesofisrael

actually it is a small segment of the public that is fighting against a duly elected government!

This is exactly the type of irresponsible journalism that Rabbi Fischer wrote about in, “How Israel’s Jewish and Other Media Lie to You”: presenting their opinion with distortion of facts that do not reflect the Truth!

There was an election, and the overwhelming majority of Israeli voters VOTED FOR A RIGHTIST GOVERNMENT AND JUDICIAL REFORM. The Losers of this Election are crybabies because they have lost CONTROL over the governing of Israel, especially the so-called “Reasonableness Clause”. They have lost control of their Weltausschau, their secular european vision of what they want the State of Israel to be. And they are being funded and promoted by an illegitimate deep state so-called democratic U.S. White House.

The first judicial reform in Israel happened in the years 1992-1999.  Supreme Court Justice Aharon Barak issued a series of rulings which gave birth, eventually to a new doctrine.  By doing so, he reformed 44 years of history.  He did so surreptitiously – without any legislator passing a law.   His rulings slowly introduced four new terms that did not exist previously “(1) reasonableness, (2) good faith, (3) public policy, and (4) violation of legal duty.” These terms are subject to the whimsical interpretation of judges. They are not legal standards.

These ‘terms’ were used to go promote the fledgling Jewish State to BE PROGRESSIVE AND LIKE THE OTHER NATIONS. There were many Knesset government rulings that were overruled using these “terms” because they did not agree with the progressive outlook of the Judges.

They don’t understand that the time has come for the State of Israel to develop into the Homeland of the Jewish Nation as outlined in The Torah that HKB”H commanded us to build. Or maybe they do understand and are tragically frightened by this realization. In the many years that they have ‘ruled’ they have ripped the 3000 year history of our Nation out of the schools of our children, and have persecuted the brave courageous ‘farmer-settlers’ from developing the Land, and created the most popular City of Tel Aviv that does not observe the Shabbat that the G-d of our People commanded us to observe, instead it has become the world’s capital of immorality with its (unmentionable) Pride events and lifestyle.

All this, not to mention their unabashed support for the terrorists that kill and maime our precious Jewish citizens; and supporting them with words and funding believing that they are more worthy to live on our Land of Eretz Yisrael than we Jews. This Land is ours and not theirs. We have come HOME.

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