11 July 2023

Earth Has a Visitor

Comments of Viewers:

*at The Masters Golf Tourny, I wonder which direction the cameraman was pointed in, the announcer did make the statement live on air: “That’s an interesting cloud . .” . ..Indeed and it wasn’t “ a cloud” . was captured on film on June 02, ‘23 . . probably in the afternoon.

*Don’t be discouraged sometimes people need to see and hear it over and over to understand and if they choose not to that’s their choice and you don’t have to stop. I appreciate all the work you have done and it helped me understand how the system takes a vital role affecting our solar system and how it left its mark after each event hence pole shift pre flood dates. Let those who seek truth continue to fight and those who choose to remain slaves out of feel submissiveness to their oligarch masters be subservient and blind. Not everyone is receptive and open minded.

*I've known for almost 4 decades, The Final Days on YT has been an excellent channel, as well as Dave's here, in getting visuals of the system. The Nemesis system is enormous (8 planets, each with Moon<s> and the Nemesis star) and is accompanied with comets, asteroids and space junk, all encompassed with a red iron oxide dust cloud. "Time" and physics are ONLY applicable under Earth's atmosphere.

*I saw a big blue planet looking thing in the early 2000's in daylight and much bigger than if it had been say, the Moon. It was slightly obscured by a cloud cover but I was absolutely shocked by it. I didn't understand what I was seeing.

*I put this up before, but I think it's time to throw it out there again. The most interesting and what I consider to be relevant thing I have ever found concerning Nibiru was this. Written on the roof of a Temple in ancient Mesopotamia now Iraq was the story of a strange planetary body with property's we could never understand they called the ruler of the gods. According to the story its somehow connected to Humanity's Collective consciousness. Meaning upon it's passing should negative be the prevalent power in our reality it would bring about destruction and renewal. On the reverse should positive win the day Humanity would Ascend to the next level of Consciousness whatever that might be. The story ended with this caution, those who seek it seek evil. I've been here for a while, and in all of my life I have never seen negative promoted to the extent that it is today. A coincidence? I think not. At the very least it would appear those who follow what it is called the dark path think there god is coming and are attempting to prepare the table for its arrival

*Mike From Around the World, that guests on Paul Begley's show (I only go there to hear Mike), said any time now we're going to see something appear in the skies, and stay, and people will ALL be able to see it. Will that be a second moon in the skies??? Will Nibiru be visible to the naked eye now, as Planet-X works it's way towards us?? What about the meteor storms falling upon Earth from the tail of this system? Great video!


Anonymous said...

Wow, this is all about the Nibiru system that some very good bloggers on our religious sites have been talking about. We've seen unbelievable clouds(?) and two suns, etc.
I believe these are true indicators that Moshiach is so close and it's all about the Kochav
Yaakov (a star shall shoot forth).
Halevai, that maybe even by Tisha B'Av, we will see miraculous things!

Neshama said...

To set the record absolutely straight, I’ve been posting about Nibiru for years.

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