11 July 2023

DANGER AHEAD – Report: US Visa Waiver Deal Harbors Security Traps and Pitfalls for Israel

Does this mean that Palestinians from outside Israel can come into [flood] Israel proper protected by the US (Biden) Visa Waiver [trap] Procedure? And they can stay as long as they want? It’s very confusing. Is this the US (Biden) solution to “Palestinian Family (1948) Reunification”?? What’s in the fine print??

Report: US Visa Waiver Deal Harbors Security Traps and Pitfalls for Israel

Three senior Haaretz journalists on Monday cited Israeli security and legal officials who have warned the political echelon that the agreement exempting Israelis from an entry visa to the US includes conditions that would damage the state’s security (מקורות ביטחוניים: הסכם הפטור מוויזה עם ארהב עלול להזיק לביטחון ישראל).

These officials spoke in closed discussions that were recently with representatives of the Foreign and other government ministries, as well as the defense establishment. Several participants pointed out problematic clauses in the waiver agreement, which they said had not been known to the defense establishment previously.

The Visa Waiver Program (VWP) allows citizens of 40 countries to enter the United States for 90 days without the need for a visa. In return, these countries allow US citizens the same privileges. In March, the Knesset plenum approved in second and third readings a bill titled, “Authority to collect and diagnose of data regarding passengers entering or leaving Israel, 5783-2023.” 18 MKs voted in favor, and none objected. As far as the US and Israel are concerned, at least officially, it’s a go.

Here’s the rub: one of the US administration’s key conditions for ratifying the agreement is that American citizens entering Israel will receive the same treatment as Israelis entering the US. This must apply to “Palestinians” with American citizenship visiting the PA and the Gaza Strip, as well as to Arab Americans coming from countries that are hostile to Israel. The US will not put up with discrimination against its citizens due to their place of residence.

Also, Americans whose visa expires in Israel will be able to renew it if they go to another country and come back. The US is obligated to warn Israel about the planned entry of terrorists and criminals, but Israel’s tough, no-nonsense security officials warn of the glaring loopholes such a turnstile is inviting.

But wait, there’s more: the US demands that Israel exempt from a security check “Palestinian” Americans with a VIP card issued by the Palestinian Authority. The Americans initially estimated there were 5,000 such VIPs, but a thorough examination revealed that there are at least 20,000 VIP “Palestinians” that Ramallah vouches for. The Netanyahu government will have a hard time explaining this to its voters, some of whom might be fired on by those VIPs, God forbid.

Biden administration senior officials who visited Israel recently warned that if Israel does not quell the settler attacks on their murderous Arab neighbors, the whole visa waiver thing would be in jeopardy. They also demanded the swift prosecution of Netzah Yehuda battalion soldiers who were involved in the death of an Arab American named Omar Abdul Majeed As’ad in January 2022.

A source that has been involved in the visa waiver negotiations from the start told Haaretz that “the Biden administration has been consistent in its demands from Israel throughout. There were political parties in Israel who tried to minimize or obscure the demand for reciprocity, but it is a significant demand, without which it will not be possible to complete the process. The meaning of reciprocity is equal and fair treatment for American citizens entering Israel, without any discrimination, as Israel expects its citizens to be treated.”

But, you know, Israel does not expect the US to offer equal treatment to Israeli criminals looking to violate American laws and murder American citizens. By all means, refuse them entry.

US Visa Waiver Program May Allow Travel Between Israel and Gaza

Once Israel enters the US Visa Waiver program, all travelers with US citizenship will be able to travel “to and through Israel,” State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller told reporters Tuesday at a briefing.

That may include travel between Israel and Gaza, as well as entering and exiting the Palestinian Authority territories. Travel through Israel to and from Gaza could well open a Pandora’s box of radicalized Americans that may be impossible to contain, however — an issue no one is talking about, at least publicly.

Palestinian Authority journalist Said Arikat, Washington Bureau Chief at the Al Quds daily newspaper, tried to pin Miller down on the precise rights travelers will enjoy once Israel joins the program. He also demanded to know whether Miller believes Israel should compensate PA citizens whose homes and other property were damaged or destroyed by rioting Jewish locals, who rampaged into a village in retaliation for the recent terrorist murders of four Israelis and wounding of four others.

Here’s the transcript of their exchange about a recent Israeli decision to move forward with authorizing the construction of 5,000 homes for existing Israeli communities in Judea and Samaria:

QUESTION: Can I switch topics and – to talk about your favorite topic: settlements. Now both major Israeli newspapers yesterday or today reported that, in fact, the U.S. is not going back to viewing settlements as being illegal. Is that the position, settlements are not illegal?

MR MILLER: The position I stated yesterday is that we have not changed the policy. We continue to view the expansion of settlements as an impediment to peace, made that position clear on a number of occasions, and we’ll continue to do so.

QUESTION: But both UN Security Council Resolution 242 and 336, which you are a signatory on – in fact, sponsor of – state very clearly that settlements are illegal, everything east of the Green Line is illegal. So you’re not subscribing to that anymore? Certain settlements are legal and certain settlements are illegal – is that the understanding?

MR MILLER: I will say that the United States has not changed its policy. I don’t have any announcements on that front. But our views have been clear and consistent that the expansion of settlements undermines the geographic viability of a two-state solution; it exacerbate tensions; it further harms trust behind the parties. We strongly oppose the advancement of settlements and urge Israel to refrain from that activity.

QUESTION: What about the sort of legal outposts – there were seven illegal outposts announced I think last week or established by the settlers. Are you aware of that? Did you issue any statement on that?

MR MILLER: We have issued a number of statements about the expansion of settlements in the past few weeks.

Here’s the transcript of their exchange about the visa waiver program:

QUESTION: And lastly, I want to ask about the visa waiver. I know you spoke about this exhaustively, but bear with me, because —

MR MILLER: Not exhaustively enough, apparently.

QUESTION: Apparently not, no. (Laughter.) There’s always something new. Anyway – so the confusion on – I know that all citizens must be – all American citizens must be treated equally and so on upon entry. What about travel within the West Bank? What is happening, because there are checkpoints and so on.

MR MILLER: So we made clear that, with respect to the Visa Waiver Program, that we continue to work with Israel towards fulfilling all of the requirements.

QUESTION: Right. Right.

MR MILLER: That includes extending reciprocal privileges to all US citizens and nationals, including Palestinian Americans, to travel to and through Israel.
QUESTION: What about US citizens who are – whose families are in Gaza? They can travel to Ben Gurion, and if they take the Erez crossing – I don’t know if you know the geography, but —

MR MILLER: So you’re going to get – you’re getting a little further in the weeds than I think I’m able to go at this point, but generally speaking, we believe that one of the requirements of participation in the Visa Waiver Program is that all US citizens and nationals be able to travel to and through Israel.

A spokesperson for the US Embassy in Jerusalem said in response to a request for clarification on whether US citizens, naturalized and otherwise, will be able to travel through Israel to enter Gaza, and return the same way, that Miller’s response “answers your question.”


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here is where Ben Gvir, Smotrich and all the good guys stand together with determination.
We know the side Bibi will (might) take, r'l.

At this point in time, this sounds good

"'Shalom Hamas' means Hello and Goodbye - You can choose. Release all of the Hostages now, not later, and immediately return al...