04 June 2023

"Terror Organization” Protesters Attacked MK Rothman and Wife

 JPRESS Reports: From Friday night events in New York:

1. A small group of violent protesters attacked me and my wife as we walked late at night in New York.

2. They blocked our way, stepped on my wife Hana’s leg and cursed, including death wishes.

3. The security guards called the police, we described to them where we were, and we continued walking, ignoring the protesters.

4. At some point the demonstrators realized that we were not emotional about them, then they put a megaphone to our ears (an attack in every sense) and shouted.

5. Both me and the security guards repeatedly told them to stop and stay away and they continued.

6. After all the warnings, I took the megaphone from the demonstrator that she pushed into my ear without touching her of course. After about half a block we reached a place where we could enter and wait for the police.

7. The police escorted me to the hotel, and the incident was over.

* * * * *

As an aside, but definitely not as an aside in terms of importance.

1. During Shabbat, and also during my visit on Thursday, the Jewish community here received me with great joy. With respect and appreciation. There is a lot of support and encouragement in promoting the reform, but even the few who do not agree, came and were respected.

2. The violent attackers came from Israel. Just as in Israel they represent a small and violent group, so here too.

3. It is allowed to demonstrate; it is forbidden to physically attack and harass Knesset members.

4. The fact that Yair Lapid and Benny Gantz do not condemn the violent attacks on Knesset members, and even encourage them, indicates more than anything else that they have become opposition to the state.

See you soon at the march for Israel’s 75 years of independence here in New York.

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In Memory of Rabbi Nota Schiller z"tl