19 June 2023

Temple Mount Moment and a Relaxing Tour


Why do Jews avoid wearing leather shoes while on the Temple Mount, and even go barefoot? It's all about Mora Mikdash - showing reverence for HaShem in the place of His Holy Temple! A Temple Mount Moment is the joint project of the Temple Institute and High on the Har. Temple Mount experts and co founders of High on the Har, Dr. Melissa Jane Kronfeld and Rabbi Yehuda Levi present each week fascinating facts and insights about the Temple Mount and the Holy Temple, its past, present and future! Sponsor an Episode!

 Old city of Jerusalem, Western Wall and Tomb of King David on Mount Zion



Neshama said...

Thank you for the video,. I appreciate your intention. The appearance of the person on the screen is awful, I don’t listen to him.
I read natural news regularly, but limit viewing some of their videos bc of the message it gives. I try to protect my eyes and mind from unnecessary ideas and photos.

Neshama said...

I also use Proton, but not the VPN bc it wanted me to allow them to connect with my computer in a way that I did not like. So far, i trust them for email. Just my being super careful.

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