19 June 2023

Rabbi Weissman – Akiva Tatz, Master Manipulator – Part One (A)


I called JOWMA's hotline because I wanted to innocently ask them how I can find their webinar on "reproductive health" (highlights here), which was filled with guidance for how birthing people can prevent themselves from reproducing and giving birth.  You know, the one they removed from YouTube TWICE after receiving backlash.  (I downloaded it...)

Unfortunately, for the hundreds of thousands of dollars JOWMA receives for their vital infiltration activities, there was no option to actually speak with a human being on their hotline.  There's just a recorded message with options to hear various “educational material” in one-sided fashion.  

I recorded this and cropped out the fluff.  Have a listen to the various categories JOWMA is offering today...and what they saved for last.  

JOWMA is spooked by the backlash, but they are not letting up...just being even more covert. Listen here.

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Akiva Tatz, Master Manipulator – Part One (A)

Two years ago Rabbi Dr. Akiva Tatz took it upon himself (or was commissioned) to address the “conspiracy theories” surrounding the covid shots. This included two similar presentations that Tatz delivered to Yeshivas Ohr Avraham in Ramat Beit Shemesh and Ohr Somayach in Jerusalem (here and here, respectively). This article will focus on the latter, which packed many more outrageous comments into a much shorter amount of time.

Not surprisingly, his presentations didn't age well. (If he has since issued a retraction or apology, I have not been able to find it.)

By now we are well used to the appeals to authority, the condescension, the moral preening, the psychological and emotional manipulation, and various other rhetorical devices used by the media and their “influencers” on the ground to marginalize voices of opposition and keep the fearful masses in line. Tatz employs all of these but takes it to another level. With his smooth delivery, South African charm, and confident disposition, Tatz sounds like he really believes what he is saying (I doubt it). The other establishment Erev Rav should take acting lessons from him.

He begins with an immediate swipe at “the unscientific...conspiracy theory type of response” to covid, quipping that “covid has led to the loss of three things: taste, smell, and common sense”.

Right off the bat, Tatz paints anyone who challenges the approved narrative as ignorant, crazy, and foolish. He presents this as an established fact, thereby sidestepping the need to substantiate such a controversial claim (which was the supposed purpose of his speech in the first place), and he uses humor to minimize the discomfort many in the audience might otherwise feel. If you can immediately scoff at those with a differing viewpoint, if you can immediately reduce them to imbeciles, you do not have to seriously examine anything they say, now or in the future.

Akiva Tatz, as an authority figure with both rabbinic and medical credentials, is not so much educating his audience, making them smarter and more informed, but modeling behavior for them to follow. Akiva Tatz is laughing at anyone who challenges the covid narrative, and he sounds great doing it. That's good enough for me, and I can do it, too.

Tatz then offers a couple of examples of the “extreme theories” that are going around, such as “you'll be loaded with microchips that will tell Bill Gates what you're thinking if you get vaccinated”, and “the latest theory this week if you get vaccinated” — here Tatz breaks into a broad grin — “you'll be, ha ha ha ha, you'll be Bluetooth enabled, heh heh heh heh heh.” It's a truly creepy laugh, and it's worth listening for one minute here to experience the full creepiness of it.

Tatz artfully puts everyone who rejects the official narrative that the covid shots are “safe and effective” in the same box. There are indeed numerous theories regarding the shots, some more outlandish than others. As the transhumanist agenda has become more widely known, neither of the examples Tatz chose to mock are all that funny anymore, but that's not the most important takeaway. It's that Tatz purposely selected two “conspiracy theories” that stretch the limits of the average person's belief, instead of concerns about myocarditis and menstrual irregularities.

Tatz purposely focused on theories that would come across as especially far-fetched to portray all theories against the narrative as absurd. The next time someone would express a well-founded concern about myocarditis to someone in the audience, he could sarcastically retort, “Sure, and the microchips are reading his mind with Bluetooth,” and that would be the end of it.

Akiva Tatz made it okay. He made it the smart response, the scientific response.

Tatz then deployed a manipulative tactic we haven't seen from most of his colleagues, which truly elevates his approach. I don't know if there is an official term for it, but essentially he throws a bone to the other side and acknowledges some degree of credibility to their claims, in an attempt to appear magnanimous and a voice of reason. All of sudden, mere seconds after disparaging his opposition as senseless, he concedes that they aren't completely wrong all the time.

“And then there's the theories about malicious intentions on the part of the vaccine manufacturers and the medical establishment, the political establishment, some with more credibility and some with less.”

Were the listener not under a spell, no longer able to think critically or courageous enough to challenge an authority figure, he would immediately insist that Tatz elaborate on this stunning admission.

“Hold on! You admit that some claims of malicious intentions by the government, the drug companies, and the medical establishment are credible? Can you please elaborate? Can you provide some examples? And if you admit that the powers-that-be have a history of deliberately plotting evil against the public, how can you mock those who doubt them as “senseless”? Why should we ever trust these entities and the injections they are forcing upon us? How can we trust them?”

But Tatz glides right past this elephant in the room as if merely chatting about the weather. Instead of probing the at least occasional malicious intentions of the establishment for whom he works, Tatz probes the psyche of those who question the establishment. Rather than analyzing the people who are foisting experimental injections on the entire public with a feverish urgency unlike anything we've seen before, Tatz chooses to analyze those who raise red flags.

Once again Tatz pretends to be magnanimous. “First of all...I think it's good that the establishment is questioned. I think that's healthy and that's Jewish. We began with a man, Abraham, Avraham Avinu, who questioned the establishment, not only part of the establishment, but the entire world.” Tatz then encourages us to follow this example (especially for teens to “go through a questioning of their Judaism, too, and to explore it in depth, and not just swallow things whole without examination and without thought”).

This would seem to support every individual's right and duty to question the official narrative about the covid shots and so much more, even if he is part of an extreme minority, even if he is a lone voice in the wind. This would be especially true when the official narrative was full of holes and red flags from the very beginning, when the narrative was propped up and could only be propped up by relentless propaganda and censorship the likes of which we have never seen, and when claims of safety and efficacy – especially in the long term – could only be speculative.

Again the listener might have asked Akiva Tatz why he started his lecture by mocking such individuals and regarding them as unscientific imbeciles, when mere minutes later he admits they were behaving in a most healthy and Jewish way.

Tatz was surely aware of this problem, and he would cleverly deflect it. But not yet. He was still pretending to be magnanimous, and would now use another rhetorical tactic: inverting reality.

“Even in the wildest of conspiracy theories, there's almost some grain of truth, as our Talmud tells us that lies without some foundation of truth do not survive.”

We might say the same thing about the endless lies from the establishment. But it is not the minds, actions, and assertions of those in power that Tatz would be analyzing – despite conceding a vague history of malicious intentions – but those who would doubt the establishment.

And here comes the main chiddush that would form the title and underpinning of Tatz's lecture.



Anonymous said...

Yasher koach to Rabbi Weissman; may you go from strength to strength and continue your battle against evil and may you be victorious!
We must never forget, these so-called jews, rabbis, etc. are not Jews at all, but the Erev Rav Amaleikim who exist only to try and eradicate, c'v, Am Yisrael. They are Amaleik personified - pure evil.

לאה said...

There are many rabbis I stopped listening to. Tatz is one of them.

Neshama said...

Me too, my list is very very short!

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