12 June 2023


don’t overlook the visit of that WEF operative and his pressure on Israel about the ‘climate crisis’  regs.

‘who is at fault for glitches in electricity supply'
MK Gafni demands: 'Why did you not operate all of the systems, to ensure supply of electricity would not cease?’

The Knesset's Finance Committee, headed by MK Moshe Gafni (United Torah Judaism), met Monday to discuss the **rise in the cost of electricity and its effects on the economy, in light of the crisis and breakdowns in the electricity supply.

Slamming Energy Minister Yisrael Katz (Likud), Gafni said, "The problems with the electricity have gone and come back. We thought it had become less problematic, but we understood who is at fault. I am a supporter of the Energy Minister, but in the end, it will be on his head.”

Sami Turgeman, chairperson of Noga Israel Independent System Operator, said that the decision to purposely disconnect people was due to a "conflict of interest" on the part of the electric company.

"We are in the middle of a moderate season, which is being used for maintenance. The highest demand is in the summer or the winter, and now demand was unusual. The weather has been very extreme," he said. 
Turgeman also said that the deviation in demand was small and the scope of the problems from the electric company and other manufacturers was "enormous.”

"At the gas stations, there was a reduction in output, and some dropped by around 20% due to the heat. The systems did not manage to cool the air, and so the output dropped - we did not know that all of this could happen," he explained.

Gafni, meanwhile, did not accept the explanation.

"Why did you not operate all of the systems so that the supply of electricity would not cease?" he queried. Turgeman responded: "That is not our way, to use everything there is. That would cost the electric farms a lot of money.” Gafni countered with an accusation: "There are families, children, and you sit here. You received the authority, and now you are saying that you did not operate [the systems].”


*add to this the clumping of billing dates and issuing several bills all within a short interval?


**THE HIGH COST OF KEEPING WARM IN THE WINTER: The Electricity Authority announced on Wednesday that it will hold a public hearing as it prepares to raise the electricity prices by 8.2% starting this January.
This is another increase in price that joins a wave of recent increases in prices of services and products in Israel.
The Electricity Authority explained that the price increase comes "in light of the global energy crisis, which has significantly affected the prices of fuels to generate electricity. The high cost of coal caused an increase in electricity rates in 2022, and high costs are expected in 2023 as well. Coal prices are significantly higher than the tariff recognition that existed until now."
The Authority brought up a variety of other reasons such as the increase in interest rates, the consumer price index and the strengthening of the dollar.
It also claimed that "in order to mitigate the rate increase as much as possible, the Electricity Authority worked together with Noga - Israel Independent System Operator to reduce the use of coal projected for 2023 by changing the operating instructions of the coal-fired units. The Authority also decided to pay off the debt created due to the sharp increase in the cost of coal in 2022 for three years. This is based on a cautious assumption that it will be possible to end the use of coal for the vast majority of the year in three years’ time."
The Electricity Authority noted that the price level in Israel is below the international average. [I’d like to see documentation to this effect. Doesn’t sound right.]


Anonymous said...

These bashefenishen who think they are controlling everything will not be satisfied until they destroy the world. These are the souls of Amaleik. Amaleik the grandson of Esav said to his father Eliphaz that he wants to destroy the whole world. Well, the new tech. has given his
evil descendants the wherewithal to try. These same souls are the ones who tried with the building of migdal Bavel. H' allowed them to get very far until suddenly they were completely toppled. Complete chaos has taken over everywhere. (part of the birthpangs?) We need to hold on to our Emunah & Bitachon.

Gavriela Dvorah said...

Exactly! We got socked with double bills for the past 2 months! A crazy amount not even based on our actual usage, but on their predicted usage.

Neshama said...

What can we do about this?
I was told that we have 6 mos before they turn off, it’s a law.
What about a class action suit?
I prefer to make them wait and/or dribble the paym3nt over a few months.
Can we get in touch with Gafni?
Do you know how?

Neshama said...

Wasn’t there to be a reduction as of April?
But now they are putting in a request for a RATE HIKE IN JAN. Just when we need the heat the most!

Gavriela Dvorah said...

What was interesting in the Gafni debate the other day was the response of the head of (not Chashmal Israel, but another provider, I think), that there was a conflict of interest. What conflict of interest? I think the bigger problem is that we're giving all this electricity to Gaza for free. And probably Abbass and his people in Judea and Shomron aren't paying their bills either. So, we're being forced to make up the shortfall. That's all I can think of. For sure, the hike in oil prices has impacted the price of chashmal here, which was already very expensive in comparison to other countries. I don't know how to get in touch with Gafni. Probably he has someone handling a twitter account for him. Maybe tweet him.

Neshama said...

Sorry, I don’t tweet, or otherwise. I’m anti-social media.
Only blog and email.

Forgot about those non paying entities.
This does call for a class action event!!

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