04 June 2023

POWER OUTAGES: Not New York, Here in Israel!

 Remember the grey blanketed-sky and sweltering no-air Friday (erev Shabbat) last week?

*Heat wave causes "self-initiated" power outages: 
'This is only the “promo 
As of 8:40 p.m., less than 85,000 Israelis are without power, after there were 
as many as 300,000 without power earlier in the day.

self-initiated”??  “Promo”??

Are they trying to tell us something?

The unusual consumption of electricity in the wake of the heat wave which hit Israel on Friday led to self-initiated outages of electricity across the country, affecting among others Tel Aviv, Kiryat Ono and other cities.

Every hour, the electricity has been cut off in a different area in the country, in order to moderate the consumption.According to estimates, the initiated blackouts are expected to end around 9:00 p.m. on Friday night, but disruptions are still expected in the coming day due to the lack of preparation.

The Israel Electric Company updated that as of 8:40 p.m., less than 85,000 Israelis are without power, after there were as many as 300,000 without power earlier in the day.

A senior official in the Israeli electricity sector commented on the self-initiated power outages in a conversation with Walla!, and claimed that "the power outages we saw today are just the promo for what awaits us in the summer."

The senior official blamed the government for failing to make decisions that led to the catastrophic situation in which the electricity sector in Israel is experiencing and added, "If the government doesn’t get moving, things will only get worse.”

And this is despite the fact that we pay exhorbitant electricity fees, 
for an antiquated system

In America "self-inflicted" power outages is the norm 


* Israel: hope this is not a copy-cat “self-initiated” deprivation?

America: “inflicted” by the “powers" that are tearing down the goldene medina!

Note of Interest:  

United States Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry will travel to Amman, Jerusalem, Dubai, and Oslo between May 31 and June 7. […] Secretary Kerry will hold meetings with officials regarding global cooperation to combat the climate crisis. [,,,]  (Coincidentally?)


Anonymous said...

Always praying for our EY Hakadosh! Am Yisrael do teshuvah and in an instant, H' will turn everything around to 'good'.
(Tzarot: part of global 'agenda'. H' is using them to be the 'stick'.)

Gavriela Dvorah said...

And obviously they didn't care that it was Shabbat! For us, the outage was not such a problem as it hit around 5 pm and lasted about 45 minutes. But I know of those who had lit candles already and then found themselves sitting in the dark.

In Memory of Rabbi Nota Schiller z"tl