13 June 2023


we must support this Bochrim B’Mishpacha organization even if just an email of support, because they are coming under pressure from the protesters to normalcy. cannot find them online?

'No, you're a homophobe'
Family values organization explains why accusations of homophobia do not deter them.

Michael Puah, chairman of the Bochrim B'Mishpacha (choosing family) organization, published a video in which he responds to the LGBT organizations' claim of homophobia from the organizations that support strengthening the family.

The video is released in collaboration with the 'Voice of Israel' movement, which was established with the aim of promoting Jewish and national values in the State of Israel.

In the video, Puah of suppressing alternatives to their own lifestyles: "According to the LGBT organizations, to say that a family is a father and a mother is homophobia. According to them, we must instead say parent one and parents two. The use of the word homophobia is intended to silence us. Who decided that there are many types of families? There are many types of households, but family, like other words in Hebrew, is precise and focused.”

Puah adds his explanation of why only the family framework in which there is a father and a mother is the right one to create a family unit:

"Whoever calls us a homophobe is actually a homophobe themselves, as they are afraid to admit that there is a special value to the identity and uniqueness of the man and the woman, that only the relationship between them can bring life to the world, that only the alliance between them creates the responsibility for the next generation. A sexual relationship is not only self-realization through the other, but it is part of a great and sublime fabric of a world of family values that includes loyalty, responsibility, a bond between generations, giving without limits, and a holy bond that is created with a holy people. From now on, when you are silenced with a claim of homophobia, say with a smile, no, you are the homophobe."


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These young men (boys) should have some sechel and guts that if they are called, whatever ugly names they are called), they should just ignore them. How different is it that there was a time when non-Jews in the galut would typically call a Jew 'dirty Jew' and not think twice about it. The smart Jew didn't fall for those stupid words and knew he wasn't 'dirty', but wisely walked away so as not to fall into a trap.
The best way is to ignore the evil and stay away in every way from evil and never let the evil overtake the person. The evil ones are the ones who should not only be ashamed of themselves, but will eventually pay the price. Silence is golden on such occasions; the more the Jew even mentions those words or any word to those who are trying to promote what is blatantly against Torah 'Law', the deeper the problem becomes. Stay clear from evil, is the best answer.

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