14 June 2023


 This article by Rabbi Weissman was referred to in a comment. Interesting as there is currently underway an attempt to do such a thing to humanity:  

On Monday, United Nations (UN) World Health Organization (WHO) director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus officially announced the launch of his globalist body’s long-awaited "global digital health certification network.” 

Does Judaism Have a Mark of the Beast?
Chananya Weissman

November 8, 2021

In a word, no.

I have no interest in other theologies; the Torah is vast enough to keep me busy for all eternity. However, with the global monsters intending to defile all of humanity with digital markers, many people are talking about a supposed "mark of the beast". What does Judaism have to say about this?

There are two occurrences in Tanach of marks being placed on people, from which this concept likely emerged among those who later broke away from Judaism. The first occurrence is with Kayin, after he murdered his brother Hevel. Kayin later repented (the quality of which is disputed) and Hashem allayed his fears that he would be killed in revenge by whoever encountered him (Bereishis 4:15).

Chazal explain that this sign was a letter from Hashem's name that was engraved on Kayin's forehead. Rashi notes that there were no people around for Kayin to fear; he was not worried that his own parents would kill him to avenge Hevel's blood. Rather, Kayin was afraid that the beasts of the world would kill him. The sign from Hashem served to protect him from them.

The second “mark” is found in chapter 9 of Yechezkel. Hashem showed Yechezkel a prophetic vision of six prosecuting angels coming to destroy Jerusalem. Hashem commanded the leader to pass through the city and place a mark on the foreheads of the people who were distressed over the abominations being committed in Jerusalem. Hashem commanded the other angels to follow the first one and strike the residents dead without compassion. However, they should not touch those with the mark (verses 1-6).

According to Chazal, there was a change of plans. The Gemara elaborates that Hashem told Gavriel to place a mark on everyone's forehead. The righteous people were marked with ink and the wicked people were marked with blood. The midas hadin (attribute of justice) then complained, asking why one group was different than the other.

Hashem explained: “These are completely righteous, and these are completely wicked.”

The prosecution replied: “Master of the world! They should have protested [the wicked behavior] and they did not.”

“It is revealed and known before Me that if they had protested, the people would not have accepted it from them.”

“Master of the world! If it was revealed before You, was it revealed before them?”

This prosecution was accepted, and Hashem ordered the angels of destruction to begin with the holy people. Rav Yosef further explains that these people kept the Torah from A to Z. (See Rashi to verse 6, from Shabbos 55A.)

According to this, those who were originally marked for life were the first to be punished. Even though they were unblemished in their personal lives, they did not publicly object to the sinful behavior around them. It didn't matter that the sinners would have ignored them; they should have tried, instead of just groaning to themselves.

Every generation has its own parallels. In our generation we see a total breakdown of morality, while fascism and medical tyranny are being forced on the masses. It is unlikely that our objections will stop this runaway train before it crashes into God's wrath. However, all our actions are being recorded and all of us are being marked.

If we want to be marked for life, and for this mark to be honored when the time comes, we need to make at least some objection to the abominations around us. It is not enough to cluck our tongues; we have to do something, anything, out in the real world. Ideally we will manage to influence some people, but even if not, we must satisfy our obligation to protest for the sake of Heaven.

There is an even more striking connection between this chapter of Yechezkel and our times. The modern Hebrew word for passport is darkon. However, the word our oppressors chose for their monstrous “health passport” is tav – the same word used for “mark” in Yechezkel. This is the only place this word appears in Tanach. (Correction: See Shmuel I 21:14 and Iyov 31:35 according to some commentators.)

In the times of Yechezkel, those who originally received a tav to be spared were the first to be destroyed. Today's angels of destruction claim their tavis one's ticket to health and freedom, when just the opposite is the case. And just as in ancient times, they have their sights set on the holiest Jews first and foremost.

May God redeem us soon and mark all these beasts for destruction.





לאה said...

So much to say.
First, so many frum jews really believe Rav Chaim said to take it and they did. It is sad for them bc he didnt say it and they really feel as though they followed Daas Torah. I didnt take it. I lost my teaching job a whole year, had Seder by myself, was ridiculed etc. Why I had eyes open? I still dont know. I am a truth seeker. Maybe that was it. I also live meagerly, am all alone so it was easier to avoid since I had no one else to support.

Neshama said...

Kol haKavod Lea, you did the right and honest thing to do. I also did not fall for the deception. I knew it was contrived, planned, and coerced early on.
HaShem will recognize his brave ones.
So many poor souls.

לאה said...

Third, please G-d looking for the Beis Shlishi to come on Tisha Bav....

AI is refundant. It is Bavel. And that failed then too.

The passport, rioting and gender balogna will just fill the cup of the evil faster. We can be grateful. All the evil souls from Paroah to Titus are here now. How we get through even one day?? As Rav Kessin says, our avoda is just to kerp our heads above the water and tread!

Anonymous said...

Frightening, when Jews feel that every step of their lives has to be with the ok of a rebbe or rabbi. Every Jew needs to strive to learn Torah whenever he/she can and understand with his/her G-D given sechel what is also going on in the outside world. Reminds us of the time of the shoa when rabbis were warning their followers not to leave the evil grounds of Europe and so many of them perished. H'Yikom damam!
The episode above about Yechezkil's vision is probably where the goyim got their idea of the mark of the beast. Because all the wicked from time immemorial are all back now, we now see the power of these evil forces and especially very frum Jews have to be awakened and see what's happening around them. One can be frum and still know what is going on in the world. Strangely, these same frumme yidden are very knowledgable when it comes to the latest version of the Iphones and other tech stuff. Otherwise, everything else doesn't seem to pertain to them. This is dangerous in these dangerous times. All Jews must be aware of the evil & insane plans of those that are at war against G-D and man. The frightening part of all this is that Israel seems to be the tech center of the world and is coming up with these insane barbaric innovations and, therefore, I feel that is the reason why so many fell into the trap of the chisounim the last time; I pray that they have gotten much wiser since then. All Jews must be aware what is going on and do teshuva, and just heed H's Torah and have nothing to do with the evil schemes of the wicked, but be aware of truth and what is happening.
We pray that all their even plans and agenda will be thwarted, as it says after the Aleinu, 'Utzu Eitzah v'sufar, dabru dover, v'lo yakum, ki imani Kel'. Amen!

לאה said...

Hi my dear. Curious? Did you not get my 2nd reason mssg? Did 'they' delete it bc it had THOSE names in it? Or did u choose to avoid printing bc of the names? Also did you put a space btwn tav and is yet? Good Shabbos!

Neshama said...

I think there are two Leah’s here an$ blogger has ‘corrected’ the font on both to look the same.
To the ‘curious’ one about names, I don’t know what you are referring to??
You may want to send it again with clarification.

לאה said...

I mentioned a certain organization and its leader. I bet it got blocked...

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