12 June 2023

"Itbah al Yahud”

will this become a daily cry in the streets of Yerushalayim?








Jewish man beaten on Jerusalem day and accused of assault

Man viciously beaten by Arab security guards chanting 'slaughter the Jew' questioned like a suspect when he files complaint.

A Jew was violently attacked near the Independence Park in Jerusalem by Arab security guards on Jerusalem Day last month.

According to the Honenu legal organization, during the attack, ItYahud, the security guards beat the Jew all over his body while chanting "Itbah al Yahud” (slaughter the Jews). After the attack, the Jew filed a complaint with the police. In response, the police summoned the Jew for questioning with a warning on the suspicion that he had attacked the security guards.

The Honenu organization appealed to the police demanding that the Arab attackers be arrested and prosecuted. Attorney Ofir Steiner, who represents the victim, wrote to the police that "on Jerusalem Day, my client arrived at Independence Park in Jerusalem, to enjoy the day's celebrations. He approached a complex where a closed performance was held. Then, security guards belonging to the compound approached him and asked him to leave the place. 

In response, he immediately walked away from the compound, without any resistance. Later, he noticed about 5-6 security guards from the compound, all of them from minority groups, leaving the compound, and moving quickly to an unknown location. This aroused the curiosity of the victim, who wondered what was causing those security guards to leave the compound and rush like that all together. So, out of his curiosity, he decided to follow, from a distance, after the security guards."

"One of the security guards noticed the victim following them from a distance, and rushed in his direction. He began to push the victim with his hands, while calling out to him in a loud voice. The frightened victim tried to escape from the security guard's hands, but before he could get away, the rest of the security guards noticed what was happening and they all rushed to the scene. 

Then they all started violently beating the victim. While this was happening, some of them chanted racist slogans about killing a Jew. The victim was unable to escape the hands of the security guards, who still continued to beat him everywhere while holding him down. 

They stopped their actions only when two police officers arrived at the scene and were forced to intervene physically and actually forcefully release the violent security guards' grip on the victim," explained Steiner.

He described in his letter how after the Jew filed a complaint about the incident with the police, the police chose to interrogate him on the suspicion that he was the attacker. 

"That very night, the victim went to the Lev Habira station in order to file a complaint. To the victim's surprise, he was later summoned for questioning under a warning; then, the policemen presented him with a false version of events given by the security guards, placing the responsibility for the incident on him, with a far-fetched plot according to which he tried time and time again to enter the compound, while physically resisting the order to leave. 

They even had the gall to accuse the victim of being the one who started the violence, to which they only responded. After all, the violent incident took place entirely at a distance from the complex, and not inside it, at its entrance or even near it. Hence, the version of the violent attackers has no basis or hold in reality."


Anonymous said...

This is all very serious and maddening. Put 2 & 2 together, you need to realize that what we and the rest of the western world (including the 'state' as it mimics everything from the western world) have been taken over by the forces of rishus! We need to start getting to the core of what's really going on. We pray on this day the 23 of Sivan, a day of prayer to Hashem, our Father in Heaven, our King, our Lord and Master, a day when HE answers our tefilot (from Megilat Esther, the day the evil Haman's decree was annulled). May all evil decrees be annulled from today on and May H' undo all our sonim and bless Am Yisrael, Bnai Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael!
(and the righteous of the world)!

Neshama said...

Thank you so much for this comment and prayer. I wasn’t aware of the special date.

Anonymous said...

Annonymous @17.17

Yes thank your for writing that and the prayer for also the righeous of the world.

Amain and Amain.

Hashem bless and protect Am Israel, and all the good peoples of the world too.

And thank you Neshama for your informative blog.
Hashem bless you and yours.

May Moshiach come now already. Amain.

Toda Hashem!


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