21 June 2023

In Memory of Dr. Zev Zelenko Z”TL


In G-d’s Army There’s Only Truth

by Brucha Weisberger at

In Memory of Dr. Zev Zelenko Z”TL, Saver of Lives and Brave Speaker of Truth, on his first Yartzeit

Republishing part of my article which appeared here last summer, when Dr. Zelenko passed away. May his memory be for a blessing.


Dr. Zelenko knew that there is one G-d and two worlds, that life goes on after death. That’s why NO ONE could intimidate him.

Dr. Zelenko exemplified what a Jew is meant to be - a light to the world, teaching humanity about G-d, spreading truth, bringing hope, bringing people closer to the Creator, uplifting the world.

We are all orphaned now.

Dr. Zelenko was a leader in the truest sense of the word.

I learned many very important things from my interactions with and observations of him.

The first lesson that springs to mind is a teaching for life. Tell G-d’s TRUTH, be courageous, tell it loud and clear, don’t hold back, don’t make calculations about how it might be received or how you might lose out personally.

Not only will you benefit humanity, you will NOT lose out in the long run personally, either. People WANT TRUTH! I observed how people thirsted to hear him and admired him. Dr. Zelenko became a leader to so many. And I realized, it’s because he’s fearlessly speaking what he knows to be true, and people are so, so hungry for a true leader who will stand up bravely and do that.

Not only will the people who actually matter value you in this world if you’re brave enough to stand up for the truth, but your reward in the Eternal world will be unfathomable. (Sadly, we can also imagine the reverse, for those who could have saved lives.)

Dr. Zelenko knew that there is one G-d and two worlds, that life goes on after death. That’s why NO ONE could intimidate him.

Dr. Zelenko exemplified what a Jew is meant to be - a light to the world, teaching humanity about G-d, spreading truth, bringing hope, bringing people closer to the Creator, uplifting the world.

By his words and actions, he greatly sanctified G-d’s Name, and brought the Final Redemption of the world closer.

I remember my first interaction with Dr. Zelenko, by email, in February of 2021.

The poison covid shot was being hyped, especially in Israel, as a must for pregnant women to take to “prevent covid”. I reached out to Dr. Zelenko for recommendations to formulate a recommended protocol of HCQ and vitamins for pregnant women to take, so they could feel safe and not cave to the pressure to get the dangerous injection. With input from Dr. Z and other practitioners as well, thank G-d I did formulate and publicize a safe protocol for prevention and for treatment of covid in pregnancy.

In July 2021, Dr. Zelenko spoke on my platform for the first time, remotely at a livestream event. It was very powerful.

That night, I learned his simple, brilliant Three Questions to evaluate the shots, which I’ve used many times in conversations or talks since.

  1. Necessary? No. (Thank G-d, we have safe and effective early treatments. If the treatments would not have been systematically suppressed, almost nobody would have died. We know this because of the many doctors who have each treated hundreds or thousands of patients, with no deaths among those who came for treatment early enough.)
  2. Safe? No. (The evidence piles up more every day, but I remember that already two years ago, in June 2021, Dr. Zelenko estimated that there were 100,000 dead Americans resulting from the vaccines. I remember him relating how he know of 20 cases of death in which a doctor colleague tried to submit a VAERS report and the system refused to upload it.)
  3. Effective? No. (Right at the beginning of the rollout, we already saw that people would get infected specifically after getting their shots (remember, they used to say “oh, you must have caught it while waiting in line for the vaccine” 😂) and we saw that countries, such as Israel, would have a terrible spike in covid cases and deaths after the shot or booster rollout. Of course, now there is so much data which proves this definitively, and Pfizer’s own documents show that they knew that that the third most common side effect of the the covid shot is …. Covid!

I remember the dramatic experience that occurred at the first in-person event we did in Boro Park, Brooklyn. It was summer 2021, and Dr. Zelenko was talking remotely from Florida on a Vimeo livestream, with 1,500 people watching online, in addition to those gathered in the hall, and suddenly everything went dead! Vimeo had “cancelled” us.

People had noticed someone on the livestream chat who was very upset about the event, writing “we have to get this shut down.” The livestream technician got a message from Vimeo that they shut him down because he was showing copyrighted content. Of course, he wasn’t. Dr. Zelenko was talking, live. But seemingly someone had made a false report. Or Vimeo didn’t like what we were doing, or both.

The audience was shocked, and the news of the censorship traveled far and wide, and taught everyone a real-life example up close about the extreme suppression of free speech.

Dr. Z continued talking over zoom, but we had lost most of the audience, unfortunately, who had been on livestream.

Dr. Zelenko told me afterwards that his talk at that event had been his best one yet. You can watch it below.

Another very powerful point of collaboration was when I asked Dr. Zelenko to testify over zoom at a Rabbinical Court meeting in Israel about whether the shots were forbidden for kids.

He held nothing back and told the court exactly what he thought about the situation in very strong words. (I included the link to his testimony, below.)

Two of the three judges had personal thank-yous for Dr. Zelenko, as they themselves had used his protocol when they had covid, and it saved them.

In November 2021, Dr. Zelenko testified at a meeting of Rabbis that we organized in Boro Park, Brooklyn.

(I missed it because my son in law’s funeral was going on at the same time. 😰)

I was told that Dr. Zelenko’s last words were “Save the children.” We are working so hard to do just that.

I hope that from his position up on high, he will be able to intercede and successfully beg G-d to open parents’ eyes.

In Dr. Zelenko’s memory, here are all the talks he gave on my platform.

In G-d’s Army There’s Only Truth By Brucha Weisberger  

(It’s a long event, but you can scroll to Dr. Zelenko, the third speaker, about 40 minutes in.) 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you Neshama for posting this tribute to the blessed memory of Dr. Zelenko Z"TL.
I do not remember that dramatic VIMEO broadcast story that Brucha related.
I've found about Dr. Zelenko in April 2020 and faithfully followed his advice ever since.
Can you imagine how much GOOD he would have done,
if he would have been given more opportunities !,
instead of being silenced and persecuted !
May Dr. Zelenko neshoma have Aliya, his neshoma must already have reached HIGH levels.
May we merit coming of Mashiach and revealing of TRUTH very soon !


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