12 June 2023


[…] the 23 of Sivan, a day of prayer to Hashem, our Father in Heaven, our King, our Lord and Master, a day when HE answers our tefilot (from Megilat Esther, the day the evil Haman's decree was annulled). May all evil decrees be annulled from today on and May H' undo all our sonim and bless Am Yisrael, Bnai Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael! (and the righteous of the world)!

Thank you for this wonderful prayer.

Just found this in my email, yahoo sends me mail late. 

While there is some time, if you wish:

Special prayer for the 23rd of Sivan

On the 23rd of the month of Sivan (כג׳ סיון) the decree of Haman (At the time of Mordechai and Esther) to annihilate the Jewish nation was nullified. The holy books teach us that this day is a very powerful day for prayers to nullify decrees and anything bad, evil and horrible against us. The same way that from that day and on the situation of the Jewish nation changed and became good, and “Mordecai left the king’s presence with royal raiment” (Esther 8/15) … “and the city of Shushan shouted and rejoiced” … and as a result the Megila says… “The Jews had light and joy, and gladness and honor” – The holy books teach us that this day (Sivan 23) is a powerful day to revoke and nullify any decree against you (Sickness, death, poverty, infertile, etc.)

Therefore on this powerful day there are a few things you want to do:

  1. Light two (2) candles for Esther and Mordechai
  2. Give three (3) coins to charity. The coins should be held with both hands at the same time when placing in the charity box
  3. Read chapters 22, 83, 130, 142 of Tehilm – Find text below
  4. Read chapter 8 from the Megila of Esther – Find text below
  5. Read Avinu Malkeinu (Without a blessing, just the text)- Find text below
  6. Pray from your heart with your words anything you want and need – Ask from Hashem
  7. Recite the short prayer – Find text below
  8.  Take on yourself a good decision to add a Mitzvah to your daily schedule

IMPORTANT NOTE: Make sure all the above is done and read on the 23rd of Sivan (June 22nd 2022) during the day from dawn till sundown!

Wishing you all the best
Rabbi Alon Anava
The entire Atzmut team

O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer. From you I am asking mercy!

The same way you performed miracles and wonders to our forefathers and all previous generations, please bestow your mercy on me the same way, to me and all of your nations that are scattered all over the world and in all 4 corners of the earth, and bestow your mercy on all of us, to transform all evil to good, annul all harsh decrees concerning us, tear up the evil [parts] of our sentence both spiritual and physical, both to myself and others and from now on it should be only goodness and kindness to our body, soul and belongings




DG said...

You mean do this on June 12, not June 22.

Neshama said...

Who wrote June 22?
Unfortunately got this message too late in day to do much good

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