23 June 2023


 Netanyahu, is this going to be a repeat of the Amiram Uliel injustice nazi-like behavior??

"If You Are Kind to the Cruel, 
You Will End Up Being Cruel to the Kind"

Shin Bet prevents 3 Jewish riot suspects from meeting attorneys

Three Jewish settlers were arrested by the IDF this week in connection with the riots in Arab cities and villages in Judea and Samaria this week in response to the murder of four civilians at a gas station and restaurant near Eli in a shooting attack.

The suspects were given over to the Shin Bet for questioning and an extraordinary order was issued against them preventing them from meeting with an attorney.

Attorneys Nati Rom and Adi Kidar from the Honenu organization represent the settlers and intend to file an urgent appeal against the prevention of their meeting with attorneys. Until this moment, I have not been able to give legal advice to the suspects. Despite repeated requests, we have not been given the restraining orders [preventing the meetings], so the restraining order is illegal," Rom said.

"We hope that the security forces in general, and the special forces in particular, will be directed to the fight against our enemies, to the fight against the large quantities of illegal weapons and the many attacks that have been carried out recently, and then maybe order will be restored to us," he added.


Three Jewish right-wing activists in their 20s, one of whom is married, were arrested by the Judea and Samaria District of the Israel Police and taken for questioning at a facility of the Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet). An extraordinary order was issued against the detainees, preventing them from meeting with a lawyer.

“To be lenient when you should be firm
Is being cruel when you should be kind”

Attorney Nati Rom and Attorney Adi Keidar from the Honenu legal aid organization are representing the detainees and announced their intention to file an urgent appeal against the prevention of meetings with attorneys.

Attorney Rom said, "Until this moment I have not been able to give advice to the suspects. Despite repeated requests, the order has not been shown to us and therefore the prevention [of legal advice] is illegal. We hope that the security forces in general and the special forces in particular will direct their attention to the fight against our enemies and the fight against the quantities of illegal weapons and the many attacks that have been carried out recently and then maybe order will be restored.


Netanyahu says:

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu commented on the events and said: "There are days when you have to say the obvious - the State of Israel is a state of law. All citizens of Israel are obliged to respect the law. We will not accept riots either in the Golan Heights or in Judea and Samaria. I give full support to the Israel Police and the security forces in their action to impose the law and order. We will not accept any challenge against the police and against the security forces in these places or anywhere else. We are a country of law.

NOTE: Then why was the law perverted in the case of Amiram ben Uliel??? hypocrisy!!

3. אבן עזרא רות א׳:א׳ (מקראות גדולות) 

WHEN THE JUDGES JUDGED. Some say that shefot ha-shofetim (when the judges judged) is to be interpreted "when God judged the judges," for hunger struck the land of Israel because of the behavior of the judges.


Anonymous said...

Unbelievable. This is the reason why they should not have the power to override the Executive branch and the parliament. Just as the courts have NO rights to over power the other branches.
This is not truly a democracy when government rules this way.
The way things are going, only Moshiach can undo all this evil but the people have to do their hishtadlut and keep on trying to change this insanity to sanity. Hashem is always in control,
but is waiting for our people (most) to wake up and realize they have been asleep and lax in
their avodat Hashem.
Praying for Geulah NOW!

Anonymous said...

If only the 'judges' would realize that they get more harshly judged than the average person.
Their punishment is more severe because their role is great and commanded by G-D. What should we all be saying in this day and age? OY VEY!

At this point in time, this sounds good

"'Shalom Hamas' means Hello and Goodbye - You can choose. Release all of the Hostages now, not later, and immediately return al...