15 June 2023



All East Winds affecting Klal Yisrael as a nation come from a Holy Source (DBL)


we wave the Lulav Esrog 4 Species - in all (6) directions

we wave the Lamb Korban - in all (6)directions


North 'tzaphon and 'to the left

South 'negev 'yamina' means 'dryness' and 'to the right

West yama (Malkut) means 'to the sea and 

East means (Tifereth) or the sun rise.

Someone submitted a correction:

Left/north is the side of Gevurah and
 right/south is the side of Chessed


In the Sh’lah al Sefer Vayik’ra by Yeshayahu ben Avraham we are told that
 'Micha’el is the base source of Spirit Water, 
Gavri’el of Spirit Fire, 
Auri’el of Spirit Air, 
Rafa’el of Spirit Earth.’ 

These attributions are based on teachings found in Kabbalistic literature in which the archangel Michael is attributed to the Sefirah Chesed (Mercy), 
Gavriel to Gevurah (Severity), 
Uriel to Tiferet (Beauty), and 
Rafael to Yesod (Foundation). 

In this case, Chesed, attributed to 'Spirit Water,' is the domain of Michael
while Gevurah, the domain of 'Spirit Fire,' belongs to Gavriel
In turn, the sphere of Tiferet, being the balancing central Sefirah between Chesed and Gevurah, is attributed the 'Spirit Air' and 
Uriel, this being aligned with the statement in the Sefer Yetzirah about 'Air tipping the scale' between 'Fire' and 'Water.’ 
Finally, in this instance, Yesod is attributed to Rafael and 'Spirit Earth.

1 comment:

Dan G said...

Left/north is the side of Gevurah and right/south is the side of Chessed

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