10 June 2023

Rabbi Weissman – follow-up – OU Rattled and Trans Invasion of the Orthodox World


Yesterday's very informative and interesting discussion with Dr. Yael Tusk is available here.  We discussed the latest healthscare propaganda, toxic dentistry, and much more.

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I've heard from multiple sources that, in response to pressure from concerned citizens, the OU is removing their hechsher from the Pride Parade Float Cookie Kit.

Normally when a kashrus agency removes their certification from a product or company, they issue a public announcement and take out ads in the Jewish media to inform consumers. I'm not holding my breath, but it would be a riot to see a stiffly worded announcement from the OU that they are no longer certifying the Pride Parade Float Cookie Kit.

No word about the OU disassociating itself from JOWMA, and don't hold your breath waiting for them to recant their “psak” on the covid shots.

One person close to people at the OU tried to defend them to me by explaining that, although many people at the OU are “woke”, their kosher certification can still be fully trusted. Essentially, the kashrus division is separate from the kefira division, so don't worry about it.

I replied that if the OU can't even supervise itself they have no business supervising food. After their behavior during covid and their open support of JOWMA, the OU is dead to me.

In any case, it's wonderful to see more concerned citizens raising their voices and rattling the cage. Don't underestimate your ability to make a difference...and don't stop.

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Two very important articles by Brucha Weisberger and Etana Hecht on the latest efforts to destroy the Jewish people from within.

If you're silent today, you'll be sorry tomorrow.


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