27 June 2023

Betzalel Smotrich Statement Concerning YISHUV ATERET


The IDF Chief of Staff, Major General Herzi Halevi, condemned this evening (Sunday) what he defined as "the inciting discourse against the commander of the Binyamin Brigade, General Eliav Elbaz, and against other commanders in the IDF". […] “unwelcome discourse that harms a public servant who acts professionally, by virtue of the law, and in a moral and stately manner.”

Maybe it’s the (a-s  foreign) “reverse” law that needs amending?

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Minister Bezalel Smotrich wrote last night that "the IDF and the security establishment must act with much greater determination in the face of terrorism and disturbances on the part of Arabs as occurred in the last three days in the area of the settlement of Ateret in the Binyamin region. It is impossible to accept a reality in which the settlers feel like sitting ducks on the roads and around the settlements daily, with more and more casualties."

He added that "even in this complex situation, taking the law into one's own hands is bad, harmful, and may lead to a loss of control and dangerous anarchy, and I call on everyone to refrain from actions that harm the settlement. The attempt to equate murderous Arab terrorism with actions against civilians, no matter how serious they may be, is morally wrong and practically dangerous. Administrative arrests against settlers are a draconian and undemocratic measure, and the fact that they are used only against settlers in Judea and Samaria and not against other violent groups in the State of Israel is severe discrimination."

According to him, "The collective punishment that is being carried out in the village of Ateret is severe and outrageous. For months we have been demanding that the checkpoints be returned and that a thorough inspection be carried out at the entrance and exit to hostile villages, and have been refused due to the opposition to collective punishment. How can it be that in Umm Safa - the village from which Arab rioters have left again and again in recent days - there is no Inspection and inspection, yes? I call on the army to stop this immediately."

"We must calm the region and avoid losing control. The IDF and the security establishment must focus on an uncompromising fight against terrorism and take a hard hand against the Arab riots, and the settlers must leave the work to the IDF and avoid taking the law into their own hands," he concluded.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

B'H, there are at least Smotrich and Ben-Gvir to stand up for the Yehudim.
Those who dare equate the Yiddishe neshamot to the aravi terrorists are a disgrace
to our people. The terrorism comes from our mortal enemies, not from our brothers!
Guess this is all part of the birur at this end stage of history.

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