24 August 2022

NEWS FLASH UPDATE —They’re Running Out of Letters and symbols!


In first for Israeli PM, Lapid to attend Pride event

Premier to take part in event marking 20th anniversary of LGBTQIA2S+ youth movement IGY; organization's head says move will 'resonate all the way to every household in Israel'

[read ‘detonate’ in place of ‘resonate’]

NEWS FLASH !!  “They want to add a “Z” (standing for Zoo Animals!)


Anonymous said...

My take is that just as H' purposely hardened the heart of Paro, he is doing the same to all the sinning leaders at this time, by making themselves do what they do best - more aveirot!

Mavin yavin!

Anonymous said...

What chutzpah. This will, B'H, have no impact on the frum G-D fearing households! Amen!

yiddel mit dem fiddle

Rabbi Wein – Mikeitz & Chanukah

  Chanukah 1916 Yosef always expected his dreams to come true in this world. So did his father Yaakov. And in truth so did the brothers and ...