30 August 2022

Shalom Pollack — A Different Israel

Ex-Likud minister: Israel will be a different country 
if Ben-Gvir joins the government

Dan Meridor laments the legitimacy Netanyahu grants Otzma Yehudit when Yizhak Shamir would leave the Knesset whenever Rabbi Kahane spoke.

To understand the above headline as it appeared today, some background is helpful:
Dan Meridor was one of the "princes" of the Herut / Likud  "fighting family". of his parent's generation

His parents fought the Arabs, the British, and later, politically, the tyrannical  Left establishment.  Meridor is no longer a member of Herut/Likud.

His parents, like the parents of other Herut princes and princesses such as Tzipi Livni, Ehud Olmert and Benny  Begin, won the hearts of the masses with their old-time unapologetic Zionist /Jewish patriotism.

Dan and his  generation waltzed into a political career thanks to their parents' trailblazing sacrifices

Alas, the children, born with a political silver spoon in their mouths turned out to be spoiled brats unworthy of their parent's legacy.

The Land of Israel, the People of Israel, and the traditions of Israel are not their guideposts. These are seen as stumbling blocks impeding a more "realistic" world. They feel that these old values should not be taken too seriously and certainly do not deserve the fervor and loyalty that their parents exhibited.

The opening item appeared today as  Itamar Ben Gvir's  "Otzmat Yehudit '' joined forces with the other National Religious party of  Smotrich. This union may be the third largest in the Knesset with Ben Giver clearly the larger vote-getter in the mix.

Meridor and Ben Gvir have very different views of what the Jewish country should look like. Meridor is right when he voices his concern. He reminds us that Prime Minister Yitzchak Shamir walked out of the Knesset when Rabbi Kahane ( Ben Gvir's mentor) spoke.

In the case of Shamir, it wasn't because he did not agree with   Rabbi Kahane as much as the rabbi was the greatest political threat to the entire Israeli establishment. Polls showed that masses of Likud and other voters were attracted to Rabbi Kahane who did not hesitate to mince words. His refreshing, honest, logical approach had great appeal. The next election would be a  catastrophe for politicians like Shamir if Kahane was not rid of.

Jews in the Jewish state don't want to hear why Jews are increasingly murdered and humiliated in their own land. They want to hear that it will end - fast.

This situation has not changed since Rabbi Kahane was banned from political life by the entire Knesset. He did not play by the politician's rules and that is why the people loved him and why the politicians hated him.

Fast forward forty years to Ben Gvir.


Then as now, the Israeli establishment can accept Jew-hating Arabs in the Knesset and even give them  a comradely slap on the back - but not a Jew-loving Jew who wants to make Jews safe and proud again in the Jewish country.

Some things are beyond the pale.

Translation: Some people make them look like the opportunistic impotent politicians that they are

Conclusion: We have identified the enemy and it must be destroyed.

Tread carefully Ben Gvir.

My book "Jews, Israelis, and Arabs"
Read it.


The unique walking tour scheduled for this Wednesday, August 31 will now  include a great surprise that I was offered only today. "Ateret Cohanim '', the organization that redeems land in Jerusalem for the Jewish people are just entering a major building just inside Jaffa Gate after a fifteen year court battle.


We will be amongst the first to take a peek into what will be home for dozens of Jewish families  soon IY"H.

We meet at Jaffa Gate  at 10:00

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