09 August 2022

Rabbi Weissman: How Halacha is Determined ***And***Interview

Two in One: 

This week's 2-minute take: How Should Shadchanim Speak to Singles?

This week's Torah class: Israel should never rely on other nations

Lots of important information follows the article.

How Halacha is Determined

Many people are confused about how halacha (Jewish law) is determined. There are so many rabbis, so many opinions, so much information, so many divergent camps and ways of thinking. What's a person to do?

To help make sense of it all, here is a concise overview of the main approaches for determining halacha.


Method #1: Follow the most lenient or personally convenient opinion in all cases.

Best for: Pretending to be religious; being a menuval birshus haTorah (degenerate with the supposed permission of the Torah); bashing Jews with yiras shamayim (fear of heaven); currying favor with the goyim; eroding Orthodoxy; having your cake and eating it, too.

Pro Tip: If you can't find lenient opinions, create them. Best done by conferring rabbinic ordination on miscreants for this very purpose, citing them as authorities, creating a precedent, then gradually normalizing what was previously unthinkable.

Warning: Your grandchildren will intermarry, become gay, or boomerang to the other extreme and become super religious.


Method #2: Follow the strictest opinion in all cases.

Best for: Demonstrating how pious you are; making people uncomfortable; turning children off to Judaism.

Pro Tip: Outdo others who follow this method by inventing new stringencies. Rabbis can distinguish themselves by doing the same. There are always new fears and potential dangers, so the possibilities are limitless.

Warning: Every stringency is lenient in some other area (for example, if you are super strict in preventing licentious behavior, you will make it incredibly difficult for singles to date and marry); your children might write a bestselling book for the secular world about how Judaism is a cult.


Method #3: Do whatever your social group is doing.

Best for: Playing it safe, being popular, not having to think after you learn the ropes.

Pro Tip: You only have to keep up appearances in public or when certain people are watching. The rest of the time you can chill and do what you want.

Warning: You can only function within the protective confines of your social group; your children will be defenseless against peer pressure; you live in quiet terror of your social group turning against you; you probably took a bunch of poison shots.


Method #4: Do whatever a certain rabbi says, all the time, no questions asked.

Best for: Never having to think again; never having to take responsibility; winning arguments; feeling smart without having to learn.

Pro Tip: Get a feel for which questions to ask and how to ask them, so you get the answers you want and then piously just follow what the rebbe said.

Warning: Ignorance may be bliss, but being an ignoramus has downsides; when they interrogate you in the next world, “I was just following orders” might not be an acceptable response; it doesn't always fly in this world either; if you picked the wrong rabbi to make all the decisions for you, you took a bunch of poison shots.


Method #5: Combine your own learning and understanding with direction from rabbis you know and trust to make informed decisions.

Best for: Taking responsibility for your own soul; navigating new and uncomfortable situations without getting misled by fads, peer pressure, propaganda, and Erev Rav; developing a deep sense of self, while remaining true to Torah and tradition; developing a genuine connection with Hashem; avoiding death shots.

Pro Tip: Don't lose sight of how little you know, but take a moment once in a while to appreciate how far you've come.

Warning: Absent a convenient way to make decisions, you will have to muddle through much of the time; you will have little to no social support; you might never fit in anywhere; you might be ostracized and even persecuted.

Bonus Pro Tip: Keep the big picture in mind. It will all be worth it.


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Considering the mountain of publications, studies, and reports showing the carnage caused by these shots, it's a wonder anyone is still taking them -- regardless of the pressure they may face.

And it's a wonder there aren't torch-bearing mobs coming for those who did this to them, and are continuing to wage war on humanity.  (Source:

*   *   *

So the establishment definition of “recession” (at least until recently) involved something they referred to as “negative growth”.  Huh?  How do you grow negatively?  A normal person would refer to that as shrinking or declining, but growth sounds so much more positive, even when it's preceded by "negative".

Of course, they never referred to an improved economy as negative shrinkage.  It's always positive.  These are the same people who cheerfully predict that you will own nothing and be happy.  The definition of "happy" will be updated accordingly.

So think happy thoughts and your reality will come to reflect that,  unless it doesn't, in which case you can get a prescription for a mind-altering drug or go to prison.  Like that Twilight Zone episode, it's a GOOD life!  Smile for the facial recognition cameras!


Yesterday I had a candid discussion with Arthur Goldberg on the insidious movement to proselytize children into deviant lifestyles, with a hopeful message for those struggling with sinful urges. 

Arthur Goldberg is the former head of JONAH (Jews Offering New Alternatives for Healing), JIFGA (Jewish Institute for Global Awareness), and Funding Morality. He is the author of Light in the Closet: Torah, Homosexuality, and the Power to Change.

The recording is available here.

*   *   *

Child Protective Services protects children the way Planned Parenthood plans for pregnant women to become parents.

The "elites" kidnap and abuse millions of children a year.  Your own government, police, doctors, and social workers.  It's real.  The occasional story about an isolated case far removed from the government is just a distraction from the real monsters.  

These Little Ones is an eye-opening documentary, which only scratches the surface of the evil all around us, hiding in plain sight.

What can we do to put an end to this once and for all?  If we don't fight for God and His children — our children — what good are we?


Download Tovim Ha-Shenayim as a PDF for free!

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