02 August 2022



Israeli Woman Assaulted by Charedi Extremists 

For Sitting in Front Row of Bus

Excerpt:  In an interview with Israeli news site Ynet, the resident of Elad said she was traveling to Jerusalem on the Kavim public bus line when the men began to abuse and ridicule her.

A short video clip (twitter shows one of the assailants saying, “We are Jews and do not want to sit next to a woman,” and the other yelling at the driver, “If you are such a good driver, don’t let women sit in the front.”

The woman said that nobody on the bus attempted to defend her other than the driver. She said an extremist branch of Charedim have recently moved in and are terrorizing women in the city.

“I took a seat at the front of the bus because I suffer from car sickness and sitting in the back makes me nauseous,” she said. “At one point, a group of 20 men who belong to an extremist Charedi sect boarded the bus and ordered me to move to the back. When I refused, they began yelling at me, pulling my hair and finally one man took off his shoe and shoved his dirty sock in my face,” she said.

“I was very nervous and tried to call the police and had to get up for better phone service, but the men blocked my way. They yelled at me and called me a shiktza. I really believed something bad would happen to me,” she said.

The victim was quite traumatized. “The violence and humiliation were so bad, I do not wish it on anyone,” she said. “Even a three-year old called me a shiktza and told me to put clothes on. I came home shaking.”



I sympathize with this woman, as I also am very sensitive to motion on buses, and would have to sit in the front also.

However, the men’s behavior is totally unnecessary. Each seat is surrounded by cushioning and one need not sit in the seat next to the woman, who is practically surrounded by back of the front seat and the back of her seat. They made a stink because its summer and they’re hot, and looking for something to protest about. Shame on them!


Anonymous said...

It's not only not necessary, it is totally WRONG! Any extremism is wrong to begin with.
Some of those that think they are so ultra, so chareidi are really committing sins.
Fanaticism is not Torah obedience. It is made up stuff and is a flaw in their psyche.
Torah is common sense, discipline and leading normal, moral lives. Men and women are equal in the eyes of G-D, but have two completely different roles in life. If this woman didn't know that these buses are for chareidi passengers, then if asked properly, she should have gone to a separate section; otherwise, these buses should be separate for men only and other buses for women only for this class of passengers. All these fools written about above acted in a shameful way and caused a chilul H' by their savage behavior. The Torah explicitly tells us 'Do not add on and do not diminish from the Laws of Torah'. In other words, do not be holier than others; they just make themselves be the opposite of holy.

Gavriela Dvorah said...

Well considering the news outlet, I feel the story told might be somewhat exaggerated. Ynet is anti-Torah. Also who took the video which actually shows nothing? I'm not saying the behavior was okay. Only thst I din't trust the source eso when videos conveniently appear yet no one stops to come to her aid.

Neshama said...

She did give her experience of what happened.
Based on that, which sounded reasonable, I sympathize with her.
Did you hear the driver?

Gavriela Dvorah said...

I also sympathize; please don't get me wrong. Yes, I did hear the driver. I want to add something else to my comments. I also suffer from motion sickness and need to sit at the front of the bus. (actually, I avoid buses!). If this happened to me, I would have smacked the bochur. What all these spoiled brats need is a dose of reality. They receive no discipline, not at home and not in the yeshivot. If you're going to get in the face of someone and be obnoxious... be prepared for the consequences. We, as a people, need to stop behaving like battered women. This brat who put his sock in her face, he would have had a broken nose if he had done that to me. If they see they can't get away with harassing people, they'll stop. I am what they call Haredi, although I hate these labels. But, I'm not a victim, and I refuse to behave like one.

Neshama said...

So glad to hear your gumption! I agree

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