01 August 2022


Minister of Public Security Omer Barlev (Labor) on Sunday morning told Reshet Bet radio he did not understand why the court imposed a gag order on the story of a female prison guard who served in Gilboa prison as an IDF soldier and last Thursday claimed that she had been raped repeatedly by a security prisoner during her service there (Gilboa Prison Guard: Terrorist Prisoner Raped Me).

“A police investigation is underway, but I don’t understand why there is a gag order,” Minister Barlev said. “In this case, there’s no place for this order. It’s important that all the citizens of the country, and certainly parents and families whose children serve in the Prison Service, know what’s happening, and what the investigation is bringing up.”

In a crowdfunding page that was launched for her on the Beactive website, the prison guard, who was an enlisted IDF soldier, pseudonym Yael, wrote: “Unfortunately for me, of all the prisons, I was placed in Gilboa prison. I discovered to my astonishment that there was one ‘commander,’ a Palestinian terrorist with blood on his hands, who controlled all the officers and staff who obeyed him and carried out his ‘orders’ without any argument. He walked freely around the prison when he was not handcuffed, and sent his dirty hands and touched the bodies of female soldiers without anyone’s intervention. Everyone knew. Everyone was silent. Everyone was afraid. Everyone ‘worked’ for him.”

She reiterated those accusations in an interview with Ma’ariv on Friday (סוהרת טוענת שנאנסה ע”י אסיר ביטחוני בכלא גלבוע): “And now I will tell you the worst thing of all. Get ready because it is more shocking than what I have told you so far. My commanders and members of my staff, whom I thought were supposed to protect me, delivered me into the hands of that terrorist. They made sure that I was left alone with him, contrary to the clear procedures, so that he could brutally hurt me and sexually abuse me again and again, and not only me, but also many other female prison guards.”

According to her, the security prisoner “could have murdered me, or taken me hostage, just the two of us, alone, without handcuffs and bars, and he is a convicted murderer! A terrorist. What were they thinking? that he would ‘only’ enjoy me? That it’s ok? That it’s permissible to sacrifice an IDF female soldier for information? For quiet? For money? I can’t even imagine what kind of return you can get on the body of a female soldier.”

She demanded “an independent commission of inquiry.” Finance Minister Avigdor Liberman (Israel Beitenu) joined her demand, tweeting on Friday: “This morning I spoke with the Prime Minister and asked for the establishment of an external committee headed by a retired judge as soon as possible for a thorough, in-depth, and reliable examination of the entire issue of the suspected rape of the female soldier by a security prisoner in Gilboa prison.”



Anonymous said...

This is terrible. I am in shock.
Giving our princess to those murderers?

Neshama said...

Yes, I am also in shock.
A govt, police, security, and prisons run by the inmates/wild animals!
Its just beyond terrible, there are no words to describe this low, low, low level that the zionists have fallen to.

Anonymous said...

Apparently, the police, IDF, etc., etc. are now being run by the Erev Rav Amaleikim!
This is beyond any excuse that can and will be given because this is an 'atrocity'. May H' protect and help this young woman to be able to flee from that hell-hole.
This is the personification of evil!

Anonymous said...

Gavriela Dvorah said...

They've had 5 years to investigate this. The allegations are not new. So why do they need another commission of inquiry? And why the gag order? And why is she just now speaking out? And why did they not refuse to go to work? There are so many strange elements to this horrible story. But, I suspect someone very high up knew all about it, and covered it up, and this is why there is a gag order. The gag order to protect that person, probably someone sitting in the government today.

Neshama said...

Thanks Gavriela Devorah. Didn’t know this was 5 yrs ago!
Yes, why now?
They are after the “one who allowed this??
Would it be Ganz??
Bc of Homesh??

Rivka said...

The Minister of 'Justice' in Israel when this happened back in 2017 was.... Ayelet Shaked.

All these politicians are totally rotten to the core.

Neshama said...

Ok, its Netanyahu, that they’re covering up. Ayelet went along bc she was being pressured by bibi, if she wanted to keep her JOB!

Not an excuse, but likely she was betw a rock and a boulder!

Neshama said...

Yes, its bibi back in the running, but I don’t think he’ll make it. Too much dirt piled high.

Gavriela Dvorah said...

Shaked doesn't "go along." Let's never forget that she authorized torture against Jewish boys. She visited the Shabak dungeons, saw the boy who had attempted suicide, even after he had been hospitalized, and ruled that extreme measures should be applied. I have never forgotten nor forgiven. She is never pressured by Bibi or anyone else. She walks her own path.

Neshama said...

Thank you for clarifying. So difficult to believe that of her. Shame, shame!

Neshama said...


the justice minister in Israel in 2017 was Ayelet Shaked....She's the one that covered this up at a ministerial level - and probably also Netanyahu knew about it, because that's how he ran the government, like a dictator.

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