15 August 2022

Rabbi Weissman: More on the Baltimore Jewish Community


Included herein are two post from Rabbi Weissman on the bribery issue toward the Baltimore Jewish Community:  POST #1

Here is the latest leaked recording of hired drug-pushers dressed as trusted doctors with their masks off.

Dr. Jeffrey Teitelbaum expresses concern to Dr. Jane Zucker, Assistant Commissioner, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, that paying doctors to talk people into taking the accursed shots will become public knowledge and cause distrust.

No concerns were expressed regarding the fundamental ethical issues of bribing doctors to talk people into undergoing a medical treatment of any kind. The only concern was that word would spread and people would lose trust in the system.

This bears repeating.  The problem is not that doctors are getting bribed to push people to take shots.  The problem is that people would know about it.

Presumably, if doctors could be paid off without people finding out about it, that would be perfectly fine.

He also noted that doctors can already bill insurance companies for time spent pushing the other vaccines on people. Did you know that?  I didn't.  Isn't that something we should know?  Do they also get paid for time spent advising people NOT to take certain medical treatments? 

But the main thing is that we trust them...

Outraged yet?  

More is on the way.


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JOWMA erases all Covid-19 propaganda from their site - Post #2

JOWMA, a front organization that has relentlessly assaulted the Orthodox Jewish world with vaccine propaganda and messages that are antithetical to the Torah, has quietly removed their COVID-19 propaganda from their site.  It was previously found at, but now that page has been wiped clean.  The material is still archived at  

I exposed JOWMA in great detail nearly a year ago at and in episode 12 of my Medical War Crimes series,  These vaccine whores received massive amounts of funding from unsavory sources to finance their infiltration of the Orthodox world.  

Why did JOWMA suddenly remove all their COVID-19 resources?  Are they feeling some heat?  Did their sugar daddies realize this particular jig is up?

A glorified sales agent for big pharma, Dr. Ellie Carmody of JOWMA, was all over the Jewish media pushing vaccine propaganda.  In one interview, mentioned in my article, she promoted mandating vaccines (in other words, forcing people to take them) and denied that this was a religious issue.  Carmody was a member of JOWMA's now-defunct COVID-19 “task force”, the only member with any relevant training (it was headed by a psychologist and featured four Pre-Med students – experts indeed).  

I will soon be posting a bombshell recording of Ellie Carmody expressing serious reservations about the covid death shots that she never intended for us to hear.

Expel the Erev Rev and Amalek from our midst. 


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