25 August 2022

Rabbi Weissman: Thirteen Articles of Scientific Faith

This week's quick take: The Mitzvah for Every Individual to Recognize False Prophets.

This week's Torah class: The mass-murdering rabbi, following orders, and more.

Bikur Cholim of Baltimore Claims Every Rabbi Supports the Shots and Hangs Up  

The more these weasels talk, the more they incriminate themselves. That's why they stonewall.

Lots of important material follows the article, so please scroll all the way to the bottom of this email.

The Thirteen Articles of Scientific Faith

1) I believe with complete faith...that Science (as defined by those in power) is Truth.

2) I believe with complete faith...that Science alone explains everything, determines everything, and will always control everything. There is only Science.

3) I believe with complete faith...that this is how it is, this is how it always was, and this is how it always will be.

4) I believe with complete faith...that we should only look to Science to address our needs and solve our problems. It is not appropriate to turn anywhere besides Science.

5) I believe with complete faith...that all the words of Scientists (as determined by those in power) are true.

6) I believe with complete faith...that all the prophecies of Scientists are true, will come to pass as spoken, and must be heeded with unswerving devotion.

7) I believe with complete faith...that all the teachings of Science (Torah) are pure and true.

8) I believe with complete faith...that the Torah of Science will never be replaced with other teachings.

9) I believe with complete faith...that the gods of Science know all of our thoughts and actions. They can hack us and program us, as they can all living beings, for we have no soul.

10) I believe with complete faith...that the gods of Science are perfect in their morality. It is for them to determine who shall be rewarded and who shall be punished, who shall live and who shall die, who is essential and who is expendable, who shall eat and who shall starve, who shall be free and who shall be incarcerated, who shall have and who shall have nothing (and be happy).

11) I believe with complete faith...that all the medical treatments of Science – especially vaccines – are safe and effective, and everyone must take them always.

12) I believe with complete faith...that Science will bring redemption to the world, a Messianic age. Even though this utopia is delayed, even though the more Science interferes with the world the worse it seems to get, I will continue to hope to Science and anticipate its redemption.

13) I believe with complete faith...that after enough people are killed (depopulation) and enough babies are prevented from being born (reproductive rights, planned parenthood, and population control), there will be everlasting life.

I believe all this with complete faith and will question nothing. I will always Trust the Science.


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The following message is from Uriel and Adi Marcus, who have been courageously fighting legal battles against tyrannical mandates in the United States and Israel.  Thank God, they successfully raised the needed funds to appeal the horrific judgment described below, but it is critical for everyone to know about what is happening and the implications.  You certainly won't read about it in the Jerusalem Post, the Slimes of Israel, Arutz Sheva, etc.

Uriel and Adi here!

On 17 August 2022 small claims court Judge Zion Saharai ruled against us regarding being rejected healthcare by a Maccabi Physician. He stated that a medical mask exemption from anyone's doctor is not a valid mask exemption. What does this mean? It means this court ruling will be used as precedence in support of denying mask exemption and you can no longer say, I’m Exempt (Ani Patur), especially in a doctors office.

We were fined 500 shekels to pay the doctor who would not treat us. We are willing to fight this judgement but we can no longer do this alone and need your funds for an attorney to file an appeal in the Mechozi [Regional] Court. We are therefore opening up a campaign to raise NIS 15,000-20,000 within 2 1/2 weeks. If we do not raise the money we will pay the fine and judgement is final.

Please pass this on to every group you know any amount helps. If enough funds are NOT raised we will donate the funds to the Above & Beyond Public Benefit Corporation and help families who are struggling financially here in Israel.
Donating to MEDF
— the Mask Exemption Defense Fund —
a project of…Above & Beyond, Ltd
an Israel-registered Public Benefit Corporation
Via PayPal:
Log into PayPal • Send Funds to:
Earmark for “MEDF”
Via Bank Transfer:
Beneficiary Bank Name: Israel Postal Bank
Main Branch #001
217 Jaffa St.
Jerusalem 9199908

Name on Account: מעל ומעבר בע"מ
Above and Beyond, Ltd (CC)

If donating in NIS: Account number: 8482298
If donating in € Euros:Euro Account #: 52008062
If donating in $US Dollars:Dollar Account #50028503


Direct Credit Card Donations:

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Spot the difference between two prisoners in Israeli jails

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Israel: Religious leaders evade accountability for hardline rulings against ‘unvaccinated’

This is the same Abba Horowitz who was a guest several times on my Medical War Crimes program (here, here, and here).  Kol Hakavod.  I want to see more people speaking out and pushing back.  Let there be a tidal wave.

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Texas CPS Worker Caught on Video Telling Foster Care Child to Become a Prostitute if She Wants to Eat

Of course they fired the worker.  The children aren't supposed to get PAID for being sex slaves.

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I don't trust science and I don't trust important-sounding titles.  I trust people who are trustworthy,  I trust myself to be able to tell the difference, and I trust the Torah to guide me. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

H' bless this couple to succeed and raise the money needed to fight today's monsters. We need to unite (all Jews) to pray for the coming of Moshiach tzdkeinu NOW.
Yasher Koach to Rabbi Chananya Weissman - gibor Yisrael. May he go from strength to strength!

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