09 August 2022

Rabbi Weissman – Tu B’Av Special


I'm making a crazy offer in honor of Tu B'Av. From now until August 16 if you purchase one copy of my book “How To Not Get Married: Break these rules and you have a chance” for 60 shekels, you get a second copy for FREE. Give it away to a single friend, a matchmaker, someone you broke up with, a Shabbos host, or just hold onto it as a hedge against inflation.

I can say unequivocally that this is the best advice book ever written for how to NOT get married. Many books that offer terrible advice on how TO get married compete for this distinction, but my book is much more straightforward and witty, and also features more than 30 brilliant illustrations by Avi Katz, longtime cartoonist for the Jerusalem Report and winner of numerous awards.

How To Not Get Married has 30 chapters/rules, plus a Survival Guide for Singles with 13 additional chapters. Unlike my other book on dating, EndTheMadness Guide to theShidduch World, this book is not written specifically for a Jewish audience, because everyone has something to kvetch about.

I've attached two of my favorite illustrations, and you can read two sample chapters on Amazon at The buy one, get one offer is limited to people within Israel who buy from me directly, limited to 100 books total, and, unless I really like you, it's limited to people who don't need me to deal with the crazy post office and ship it to them (which costs extra in any case).

I'm not going to brag, but I think this is one of the best things I've ever written. I'm so sure of it, if you follow all the rules in the book and still get married, I will give you back your money. Either way, I think it will give you a lot of laughs and food for thought. Plus, it's a great way to show me some love and give a little support, being that I give away all my Torah and don't want to monetize my efforts to bring the redemption.

To take advantage of the special offer, email me directly at If you're outside of Israel, please purchase a copy at Amazon and, if you enjoy the book, leave a nice review.


Download Tovim Ha-Shenayim as a PDF for free!

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