17 August 2022

Update on iPAD Issue

Worked only for a while. It jumps back and forth between colors.

UPDATE:  using was the place I found all the possible approaches to fix this KNOWN PROBLEM plaguing users.

Someone was very kind to do some searching for me and found how I could get rid of the psychedelic hot pink screen. She was quite clever in doin so.

B”H it worked.

However the appearance jumps from one designation to a different one occasionally, even while  i am typing.

This is only so far happening on my iPAD. My iMAC (since unlinked from the iPAD) seems to be ok for now. Have not checked in yet this am to see.

This is all the software people! They even don’t like using the screen horizontally, and have limited screen space for writing. They are designing everything for the vertical position, which is how most people use their iPhone, except when taking pics.

All this is part of the DS control over all of us. You may think this not so, but believe me it IS.

Knowing what is coming toward us in the future is important for protection and sanity. Not knowing is being in the dark.

Now, all this is part of the end times machinations of the mentally unstable “elite” who think they can be gods and control EVERYTHING.


So please all readers, improve your relationship with HKB”H, HASHEM, the only ONE. Speak to HIM from your heart, ask for forgiveness and try to improve yourself in all your ways.

And all the above iPAD mess happened to me on my birthday. A message, perhaps.

PS ignore the labels on right side, as I don’t use them anymore.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


So glad someone was able to help you.

You are so right, we all have to stop relying on humans and just turn to the ONE and ONLY - HASHEM!!

Personally, i have done that somewhat, and feel more worry free.

World will turn worse before it turns better. That will happen when Hashem will intervene... Amen.

We must also pray for others that eyes may open to see that there in only God..
Ein Od Milvado...!!

Hashem bless you and yours and all others who come to your blog and there families. Amen.


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