21 August 2022

The Bigger Picture . . .

Many in Israel are wondering, just after Tisha B’Av we begin the seven weeks of “consolation;” however, what we awoke to the morning after the Fast was anything but C.O.N.S.O.L.A.T.I.O.N.

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THE THREE WEEKS between the 17th of Tammuz and Tisha B’Av are the dangerous period for the Jewish people. Kabbalistically, it is the time of year that G–D withdraws His light enough to make it dangerous to be a Jew, even a righteous one. That’s why our enemies were able to destroy the Temple and exile our people during this period climaxing with Tisha B’Av.

But those lights, kabbalistically, are supposed to begin their return around the 10th of Av. It’s supposed to be a period of rectification overlapping a period of consolation. Some tragedies have occurred during this time because people on vacation took unnecessary risks, or were just vulnerable to accidents. But most of the time, Bein HaZmanim passes pleasantly for those who wait all year for it, and even for those who don’t. 

Not this one, though. The first week after Tisha B’Av, which itself passed relatively quietly thank G–D, the news has been very hard and sad. Weird accidents, which are always signs of more overt divine providence, have resulted in sudden deaths and incomprehensible injuries. It has become an extremely painful period of mourning for the families involved and the nation as a whole. 

This was followed by a terrorist attack on a bus returning from the Kosel at 1:30 in the morning on Motzei Shabbos. From the Kosel…and at 1:30 in the morning!

We are quick to look for explanations. It is our automatic response. This was very bad. G–D is very good. How do the two work together?

We have some answers because we are no strangers to the questions, after thousands of years of going through similar crises. 

By now we are fully aware of what G–D can do, or at least allow to happen, to His treasured nation when He decides it is what must occur according to the bigger picture. 

Rabbi Pinchas Winston


Anonymous said...

Believe this year is a little different. The Jews are not waking up fast enough and we are closer than ever to the Geulah Shleimah and the danger greater! May H' be Merachem al Amo Yisrael.

Neshama said...

What do you mean “this year a little different”?

HaShem is showing us his dissatisfaction. And that is eternal, no difference year to year. It all depends on US.

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