15 August 2022

iPAD Designers Totally Ruined UPDATE

Does anyone reading this blog use iPAD? If so have they redesigned colors and photos and headings and just about everything that made the iPAD a unique system. The whole layout changed before my eyes without my consent. My photos are iridescent, link titles blurred, just about everything has been ruined. 

The PREVIEW screen is impossible to read, a lawyer of sorts covers my post. They have gone bananas with their updates WHICH I DID NOT ASK FOR or INDICATED TO DO!

I CANNOT READ my own blog, covered in a flourescent film.

Don’t know what I am going to do??

Anyone, Any suggestions ??


Neshama said...

This is the best I could do with their selections
Totally repulsed.
This demands a sea change.

Neshama said...

It appears that some of my communique noting all the craziness appearing on my iPAD has reached some ears, or whatever was being upgraded worked itself out. I don’t know.
OR maybe my little iPAD was attacked!
B”H normalcy is returning.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand this digital world. Don't own Ipad but I do know because I see it on my computer (the only one I own) how we have no control of anything that pertains to the internet system. There is no freedom to be found. They control it. If,c'v, Moshiach is not here after this shmitta cycle, chas v'chalilah, H' Yerachem.
We pray Hashem builds our olam haba with great chesed and rachamim for every Yehudi neshama and the righteous of the world. Things are moving too fast and every day, there's another absurdity. We pray that HKB'H does not punish the tzadikim (& other innocents).
We know this ra is from the sitra achra. The amaleikim are them. We have them within our midst with the erev rav amaleikim and amaleik itself (descendants and reincarnations of the original). Every Yehudi has to try to do better and pray hard for Hashem's great Chesed and Rachamim aleinu!
Olam Chesed Yibaneh!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that you had trouble.
The blog format looks different now. not as nice as before
Hopefully nothing is lost and you can recover it.


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