31 August 2022

Deeper and Deeper We Go – Death Threats at Pollard


Interior Minister and Zionist Spirit party chairwoman Ayelet Shaked responded Wednesday morning to former spy Jonathan Pollard’s decision Tuesday to retract his endorsement of her party’s upcoming Knesset bid.

Speaking with Kan, Shaked blamed the backlash against Pollard’s endorsement for his decision ultimately to walk back his support, claiming that he faced “death threats”.

“Pollard is a smart man, sharp and moral, who gave his life for the State of Israel, and the moment that his endorsement of me went public, he faced a tsunami of hateful responses, including death threats.”

Shaked went on to say that in retrospect, she agrees with Pollard’s decision to walk back his endorsement.

“Looking back, after the fact, I am happy that he left the toxic Israeli political dialogue. A good person like him should remain in the [public] consensus.”

Blaming the right-wing camp for the backlash against Pollard following his endorsement, Shaked compared the pressure on the former spy to the pressure placed on Yamina MKs to bolt the Bennett-Lapid government.

“Members of my party who dismantled the government went through what Jonathan Pollard faced. There was daily incitement outside of their private homes. Overall, we brought good changes in this government, but half of the population thinks that their country was stolen from them. That’s the problem with narrow governments, and that’s why we need a large, broad government.”

[…]  Pollard walked back his support for Shaked, informing Israel National News that he is frustrated by Shaked’s refusal to drop Yoaz Hendel from the party or commit to the formation of a rightist government.

“This raises a real concern that she will once again transfer votes from the right to the left. Therefore, I retract my support for her.



Gavriela Dvorah said...

My question is, how did he come to endorse her in the first place? The entire episode is bizarre.

Neshama said...

I believe Reb Dov addresses that conundrum!
It may have been a tactic to reveal her true motives for election??

Neshama said...

Gavriela: G and B are shadow banning my blog again. Severe shortage of comments, esp on the ones most read???

Gavriela Dvorah said...

I didn't see what Reb Dov said. I'll try to find it.
Maybe it was a tactic, but it's reported that Pollard says he found out that she's not serious about establishing a strong right-center government is strange because she has been saying this all along. She already stipulated that she believes the government should include all sectors, leftists, anarchists, Israel-haters, terrorists, et al. So, what was revealed?

Gavriela Dvorah said...

And yes, I am sure you are shadowbanned. I'm experiencing it too on my social accounts.

Neshama said...

That’s exactly it! “He found out” all the while she has lied!
He just condemned her and exposed her
So she should not get votes that should go to burn GVIR!

Maoz said...

If in fact that was a tactical maneuver to expose her, mamash kol ha kavod lo! [Of course, our dear brother Yonatan deserves a big "kol ha kavod!" regardless, for all his mesirut nefesh for 'Am Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael.]

Neshama said...

Gavriella, Gavriella, things are getting very dire in the EU, Amerika is next, and it has started to crumble.
Are there any groups of peppers in Israel and do they have a website?
Is there a blog also.

you can send me info at please

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