12 August 2022

Rabbi Miller on Gog U'Magog


For what reason do the Nevi’im tell us about the war of 

Gog U’Magog in the times before Moshiach comes?

What benefit do we have from this knowledge?

* * *

The Nevi’im want us to know that the forces of evil are very powerful

in this world and that they will never yield to us easily. And to let us know

that even when the time for the geulah comes, at that time these forces

are going to exert themselves to the utmost to prevent the geulah. 


Because the geulah is going to be the beginning of a period of great

happiness when everybody will recognize Hashem. And therefore, at that

time, our enemies will attempt their utmost to stop the geulah and this

true recognition of Hashem.

And the Nevi’im want us to know this, so that we should be aware,

that in this world – right now too – the yetzer hara is doing its best to stop

us. And we have to know that we have to fight back and that we are in this

world to resist.

Our success depends on our achievements in this area and we have

to make sure that we never desist, never weaken, in this area of avodas

Hashem, no matter how many foolish opponents we have and no matter

how strong they appear to be.

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