22 August 2022

Rabbi Weissman: Interview


Yesterday I had a candid discussion with Arthur Goldberg on the insidious movement to proselytize children into deviant lifestyles, with a hopeful message for those struggling with sinful urges. 

Arthur Goldberg is the former head of JONAH (Jews Offering New Alternatives for Healing), JIFGA (Jewish Institute for Global Awareness), and Funding Morality. He is the author of Light in the Closet: Torah, Homosexuality, and the Power to Change.

The recording is available here.

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Child Protective Services protects children the way Planned Parenthood plans for pregnant women to become parents.

The "elites" kidnap and abuse millions of children a year.  Your own government, police, doctors, and social workers.  It's real.  The occasional story about an isolated case far removed from the government is just a distraction from the real monsters.  

These Little Ones is an eye-opening documentary, which only scratches the surface of the evil all around us, hiding in plain sight.

What can we do to put an end to this once and for all?  If we don't fight for God and His children — our children — what good are we?


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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As much as the frum G-D fearing world feels almost abandoned by our fellow human beings, we know and feel a sense of security because we have Hashem. The masses usually accept everything and anything without question, but we live by H's holy Torah.
B'H, there are still some real rabbonim, teachers, etc. who have not lost their minds but are holding true to Hashem and Rabbi Chananya Weissman is at the top of list of what a true Yiddishe neshamah is! May he go from strength to strength!

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