26 August 2022

Religious Persecution in 2022

 Beware "gender identity" fanaticism

To all "drag queens," "transvestites," "transgender" individuals, and their supporters, please heed the word of God:

"A man's attire shall not be on a woman, nor may a man wear a woman's garment because whoever does these is an abomination to the Lord, your God." (Deuteronomy 22:50)

Your behavior is an abomination. That's my sincerely held religious belief, and it's my unassailable right to assert it.

In a (supposedly) free society, you are entitled to dress and comport yourself in accordance with your preferences, but you may not dictate your subjective beliefs on to others.

Trying to normalize your behavior or self-proclaimed identity by forcing me to legitimize it is a grave violation of my religious freedom. It's a form of religious persecution. 

You are welcome to self-identify however you please, but my belief system obliges me to identify you based on objective reality as defined by scripture.

Your objection to my right to choose reality-based pronouns -- as defined by God's Law -- is an infringement of my First Amendment right.

In fact, your zeal to enforce your skewed world view upon me is a form of extreme religious fanaticism, as there is nothing objectively or scientifically sound about your fantasy world, with all due respect.

Teaching children (in libraries, public schools, or entertainment) that your behavior and choices are legitimate and morally acceptable is a form of extremist religious indoctrination. It has no place in the United States.

Imagine a Catholic person teaching children about Immaculate Conception in the classroom. There would be a resounding outcry against the grave breach.

Teaching children that a man who identifies as a woman is to be regarded as such, and vice versa, is akin to teaching them that a man who claimed to have been “immaculately conceived” some 2,000 years ago is to be identified as such.

Subjecting our children to your indoctrination and normalization of new-fangled “gender identities” is akin to forcing them to regard someone as the Messiah because that’s how he identified, or because that’s how the majority identifies him. 

People who choose to believe that are entitled to do so, but they may not impose that belief on anyone else.

My ancestors suffered unspeakable persecution at the hands of such religious fanatics for many centuries, and quite honestly, your “gender” fanaticism is beginning to feel like that same style of persecution.
Stop persecuting me for not sharing your beliefs. 

You are NOT the messiah nor are you “liberated.” Your subjective beliefs about gender identity do NOT define objective reality. You don’t get to police which pronouns I use to describe you or others of your “co-religionists.” You are not the Grand Inquisitor.

Please do not sacrifice me on your unholy altar. Please don’t burn me at the stake in a modern-day auto-da-fé all because I won’t validate or legitimize your perverse ideology. And PLEASE stop trying to indoctrinate my children. 

I’ll respect your rights by not preventing you from dressing or comporting yourself in accordance with your personal preferences. Please respect MY right to view you in accordance with my OWN personal preference and moral compass.

You may define yourself however you wish, but you do not get to define me or my view of reality.
Please don’t trample my religious freedom my pressuring me to call you a “she” when my faith obliges me to regard you as a “he,” or vice versa.

Thank you for understanding and respecting my essential human liberties.


Source:  Rabbi Green.


1 comment:

Esser Agaroth said...

I agree with you here about 90%, especially with this crazy acceleration of the blurring of identity's of all kinds.

I am only posting this here to caution you, and not to be antagonistic.

There is at least one source which states that this prohibition is only enforce when doing so in order to encourage "inappropriate" relations.

So, when just being silly or entertaining, like Milton Berle or Flip Wilson, to name two, as well as Israeli actor Itzik Cohen, it is technically permissible.

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