13 August 2022

Rabbi Weissman: More on Baltimore Bribery Issue


Here is a report from America's Frontline Doctors on the Soros-backed injection campaign targeting Baltimore's Orthodox Jews:

Here is more leaked footage of Soros-backed operatives, who pose as trusted community leaders, conspiring to manipulate the Jews of Baltimore to take the accursed shots:

One of the operatives followed up on his earlier concern that bribing doctors and religious organizations to promote the shots, and reluctant individuals to take the shots, would cause a sense of distrust among the very people they were trying to manipulate.

In other words, the concern about bribing people to promote and to take injections of the accursed shots wasn't halachic/moral in nature, but that it might be an unwise strategy. This is how the"community leaders" who influence and manipulate the Jewish people talk about us among themselves.

The woman who was asked this question hemmed and hawed for a full 30 seconds. Finally she managed a fumbling, deer-in-headlights response : “there was no question that vaccines stalled, and when incentives started being offered, vaccination did pick i think just as a strategy I think it did in part what it was intended to do, you know, to improve vaccination. Now whether or not there's gonna be a cost for terms of the trust, I think that's an additional, I think that's an important issue.”

In plain English: It's more important to coerce more Jews to take the shots even if it means losing trust. Getting more needles in the arms of Orthodox Jews however possible is the most important thing. The only question is the best strategy to deploy in achieving this mission.

It should have been obvious all along that the Jewish organizations and community leaders pushing the shots are not people of integrity, but modern day mosrim and Judenrat. They have been collaborating with our greatest enemies in exchange for money and prestige, parlaying our natural trust in people “who look like us” to kosher up shots that no person in their right mind would ever take.

Their concern is not for your health and wellbeing – it never was – but whether or not they are getting enough value in return for the amount of trust their are forfeiting.

How much trust is worth sacrificing to get more Jews to take the accursed shots? Is the number of Jews we will get now worth the loss of trust, the increased risk of losing control over the trusting sheep?

That is the question that plagued the Soros-backed mosrim and Judenrat of Baltimore.

More is on the way.


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