05 June 2020

Rabbi Kahana and Beha’alotcha – Plague of Human Locusts

Parashat Beha’alotcha 5780
Rabbi Nachman Kahana

Plague of Human Locusts

I viewed today a video of human locusts descending upon Macy’s department store in New York. In itself this is a tragic sight, but ever more so when taking into account that this scene has repeated itself in many places across the US.
The President is taking a forceful position and will soon order the US army to fill the void created by either incompetence or understaffed local police and National Guard.
The President has realized that the respective law enforcement agencies are ineffective and drastically understaffed. He will by necessity, as I have predicted and warned many times in the past, reintroduce the Selective Service bill (draft) which was nullified in the 1970s.
There are many thoughts which I want to share with you, dear reader, this week, however they all pale before the most clear, pressing, and important message: send your children to Israel now.
Get them away from the inevitable insatiable appetite of the draft. To yeshivot Yes, to university Yes, to the IDF Yes, to pick vegetables in the Negev Yes; just send them here.
Once the bill is passed your lives will take a turn for the worse.
B careful B healthy B HERE
Shabbat Shalom,
Nachman Kahana
Copyright © 5780/2020 Nachman Kahana
Note: these are a few of many news reports of the Macy’s looting (not necessarily the one that Rabbi Kahana viewed) and rioting in NYC
Macy’s Looting

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