16 July 2023

Shepherd Attacked – Shooting Attack – Farms Attacked

 Jewish shepherd attacked near Hebron

Masked individuals attack shepherd with flock, then turn their attention to security coordinator who came to help.

A Jewish shepherd was attacked Saturday morning near Havat Ma'on in Judea.
Havat Ma'on security coordinator Shimon Ben Gigi arrived at the scene to help the shepherd and was also attacked.
According to him, "One of our flocks went out to pasture in a distant area. Following this, masked individuals came and as a result I went over there."
“ Immediately upon my arrival at the scene, I was attacked by a number of masked individuals at the first stage, with clubs (on the car) and in the second stage with a barrage of stones that my car took. (My windshield was broken and there are several hits to the metal). I, thank G-d, am fine."
In September, a 30-year-old Jew suffered serious injuries after being hit with a plow during a confrontation with Arabs near Havat Ma'on. The victim was evacuated to Soroka Medical Center in Be'er Sheva.


Shooting attack in Gush Etzion

At least one person has been wounded in a terrorist shooting attack at the Tekoa Junction in Gush Etzion Sunday morning.
Magen David Adom (MDA) reported that a man in his thirties is in serious condition. The victim was evacuated to Sha'arei Tzedek Medical Center in Jerusalem. Two children, a 9-year-old girl and a 14-year-old girl, suffered shrapnel injuries from the shooting. The children are reportedly the daughters of the shooting victim. The terrorists opened fire from a passing vehicle.
The IDF reported that security forces are pursuing suspects in the shooting.

Two Israeli farms attacked within minutes

Two separate Samaria homesteads attacked within minutes of one another by large groups of Palestinian Arab rioters.

This afternoon (Thursday), two separate Israeli farms in Samaria were attacked by several dozen Palestinian Arab rioters within just fifteen minutes of one another.

In one incident, near the town of Karnei Shomron, the rioters attacked the farmers with rocks, causing one person a head injury. The victim was treated by medical services. The culprit was not detained.

A few minutes later, near the town of Nahaliel, a group of approximately fifty rioters attacked the farmers with rocks and clubs. Another farmer suffered a head injury from the rocks.

Security forces arrived approximately thirty minutes after the incidents began and closed the area to vehicular traffic. Both incidents were dispersed approximately ninety minutes. No one was arrested, and no further injuries were reported.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

MBY, where are you? Do not delay, Bnai Yisrael & Eretz Yisrael need you!

Shanah Tovah U'Metukah Meod

  may this year bring our Mashiach