16 July 2023

"AG Responsible for Anarchy" in Israel (maybe much more)

For second time: Right-wing protesters outside Attorney General's home are removed

Right-wing activists from the Im Tirtzu movement gathered again on Sunday to protest outside the home of Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara.

The activists came to protest Baharav-Miara's conduct concerning protesters blocking roads and her leniencies regarding the protests at Ben-Gurion Airport. The protesters reminded the Attorney General of her statement: "There is no effective protest without disturbing public order."

According to the demonstrators, less than half an hour after beginning the demonstration, they were removed from the premises of the Attorney General's home. Last week they were distanced 300 meters from her home.

Matan Gerafi, Im Tirtzu national missions coordinator: "We will not rest, and we will not be silent until the Attorney General of anarchy resigns or otherwise returns to doing her job properly. Only she is responsible for the anarchy in the streets and for turning roadblocks into a legitimate tool. We will not allow the threats to elected officials, there will not be selective enforcement.

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