03 July 2023


 Protesters block MK Danon's house with barbed wire

A demonstration against the judicial reform blockaded MK Danny Danon's house with barbed wire and declared 'not a moment's peace’.

Left-wing demonstrators from the 'Brothers in Arms' and 'Raanana Protesters' arrived today (Sunday) in front of the house of MK Danny Danon (Likud) in Ra'anana and blocked the front door with a barbed wire fence.

The demonstrators put up a display in the shape of a sausage on which was written: "Danon's Sausage". A twitter post explained the display: "We invite you to eat yourself from the scales of the dictatorship that you and the criminal government of destruction are trying to push on us! Israel will not be a dictatorship! Ra'anana is a liberal and pluralistic city!”.

The demonstrators called to Danon: "Wherever you go we will follow you. We are not violent but we are determined, we will not give you a minute of rest. We will come to remind you that Israel will not be a dictatorship.”

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Anti-Judicial Reform Anarchists Plan 
Weeks of Sabotage to Paralyze the Country

why arent they arrested?

My guess is that The PM is allowing this to cover for his wheeling and dealing behind OUR BACKS for his greater glory. He’s devious, deceptive and not really for the Israeli Jewish betterment. The same goes for the DM, he’s allowed to (sadistically) mistreat and do what JB (“O”) is dictating to DS Bibi.
Roth and Levin should go behind his back 
and vote in the original reform pkg.
That will stop the PM and cause a govt climax with the treasonous anarchists, a showdown of sorts. They are being led by the same (DS Soros–Obam gang).


Anonymous said...

What else would you expect from Bibi? When the country elected, B'H, a right wing memshalah, why did they put him at the helm. He has always worked for the outside forces first. Everyone should know that by now. Smotrich or Ben Gvir should have become the PM. The SOI is more 'farkoift' (sold out) to the globalists than ever before. We need MBY! That's it.

Neshama said...

First of all, neither one would have gotten the votes to be PM
The only one to capture the votes among the Israelis was Netanyahu!
I believe this is his LAST CHANCE to “do the right thing” about Eretz Yisrael!

A leopard doesn’t change his spots!!

However now that they’ve been in the govt the Israelis see which one is more trustworthy, and could choose him for PM when given the chance.

UNLESS Mashiach makes his debut!

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