02 July 2023



Deal with Saudi Arabia - Israel to relinquish land control to PA

According to the offer, Israel would recognize Palestinian state and transfer control over land in Judea and Samaria.

The American government is very determined to reach a peace agreement between Israel and Saudi Arabia in the coming year. The hot-button issue between Israel and the Americans, as well as in the domestic political system, is the possible compensation to the Palestinians if the normalization deal comes to fruition.

Israel National News has learned from an American government source that one of the offers that were raised in an attempt to reach normalization is an Israeli agreement to recognize a Palestinian state and, at the same time to transfer parts of Area C, which is under Israeli military control, to Area B, where the authority is split between Israel and the Palestinian Authority.

The offer will most probably be declined since these two compensations will lead to the dissolution of the government by Netanyahu's right-wing partners.

MK Avichai Buaron (Likud) reacted to the report, "It sounds baseless that someone in Israel would agree to give up another centimeter of Area C. I don't believe it. You have to understand the Gav Hahar region (in Samaria) is 10% to 15% Israeli. The PA is choking us since it builds on the edges of Area B near Israeli communities and roads with the aim of choking the Israelis. This is political construction, not actual construction for residences.

Giving up more land would mean trapping the Jewish settlement on the mountain and totally losing Israeli control. This is precisely what the PA wants. That the Jews in the Gav Hahar region disappeared. I don't believe that someone in the Israeli leadership would want that.”

In recent months an interesting geo-political race has been unfolding: on one end, the warming relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia and the payoffs between the two, such as free trade and defense deals, and on the other end, the White Houses race to leave a substantial impression on President Biden's foreign policy ahead of the upcoming presidential elections.

The American administration has noticed its lightened grip on the Middle East, both in the warming of Iranian-Saudi ties, the repetitive strikes on its bases in Syria by militias, and Iran's 'lack of will' to give up to Western sanctions after former President Trump unilaterally pulled out of the nuclear deal in 2018.


Anonymous said...

C'V elef alfei paamim! Do not believe with majority religious right wing government, (even though how do you eve trust memshala) anything will come of it, except Moshiach around the corner!

Gavriela Dvorah said...

I wouldn't pay any attention to this article. Arutz7 is notorious for publishing articles based on unnamed "government officials," all of which are based on fabrication. I'm not sure if they do it to optimize reader engagement or if they just don't have anything else to report.

Neshama said...

I think there is more to this than you think. Too much info. Too many hints prior to this.
I think what will happen is a capitulation on area c, leaving a contiguous pathway from E Jerusalem ALL THE WAY TO GAZA, isolating Maaleh Adumin pathway to FR Hill. PIECE BY PIECE the terrorists are gaining land.
The riots in France is to get Macron to push ISRAEL into a “DEAL”.

However, we wait upon HaShem as to what will really happen.

PS I don’t think there will be a US election.
In place a HUGE psychop!
Banks down, internet compromised

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