11 July 2023

All Members of the Coalition Voted in Favor of the Law


AG Supports RIOTING Anarchists 
AG Gives her Legal OK to Rioting Anarchists
AG is an Insurrectionist!

*The Knesset on Monday night approved the first reading of the law to reduce the cause of reasonableness.

The law was approved by a majority of 64 to 56.

All members of the coalition voted in favor of the law, while all members of the opposition voted against it. After the vote, the members of the coalition applauded, while the members of the opposition shouted, "Shame."

The "Reasonableness Standard Bill" is an amendment to the Basic Law: The Judiciary, that would block Israel's courts from applying what is known as the "reasonableness standard" to decisions made by elected officials.

The reasonableness standard allows for judicial review against government decisions that are deemed beyond the scope of what a responsible and reasonable authority would undertake.

Minister Ofir Sofer welcomed the approval of the law and said, "Tonight, we passed an important amendment to the cause of reasonableness in the first reading. An amendment that will allow the government ministers to implement the policy for which we were elected. I congratulate Minister Yariv Levin and the chairman of the Constitution Committee, Simcha Rothman, and call on the members of the opposition to behave responsibly and heed the call of the Minister of Justice to negotiate for the benefit of the State of Israel.”

Minister Itamar Ben Gvir said, "We started by correcting the cause of reasonableness, as part of the important reform to correct the entire judicial system. The time has come to return the power to the public and stop the rule of the junta. Correcting the cause of reasonableness is an extremely important step, but we must pass the entire reform. Changing the Judicial Selection Committee, the cancellation of the Override Clause, changing the powers of the Attorney General. Bringing democracy back to Israel."

Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich commented on his Twitter account on the approval of the law and wrote, "64 supporters against 56 opponents to the reduction of the cause of reasonableness. Tonight, democracy won."

He added, "Congratulations and a good night to the people of Israel. We will continue, with God’s help, with the second and third readings."

MK Dan Illouz said, "This is a small step for reform, a big step for the State of Israel.”  […]

The vote was preceded by a heated discussion, which began with the remarks of the chairman of the Constitution Committee, MK Simcha Rothman, who presented the proposal.

"It is balanced, responsible, and significantly different from what should have been enacted," Rothman claimed. "The cause of reasonableness is a cause that the State of Israel managed to do without for many years, and still during the dark years, believe it or not, the sun rose every morning.”  […]

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Yariv Levin, made clear in his speech before the vote that "the government is not above the law. It must act only within the law. In accordance with the powersgranted to it, with due process, without conflict of interest."

"Any action that is not carried out in this manner, and I emphasize - every action, has been and will continue to be subject to full judicial review. By the same token, the government also has powers and responsibility. It was elected to set policy and bring about its implementation," he added. […]


There can be no effective protest without disturbing the public order,” Baharav-Miara said at the weekly Cabinet meeting in Jerusalem.

[but AG there is a dif betw protest and current rioting]

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded by saying, “That’s a shocking sentence. Are you saying that besieging a barbershop from inches away is legitimate?” he asked, in a reference to his wife’s experience on March 1, when she had to be rescued by hundreds of police after being trapped in a hair salon for hours by anti-judicial reform protesters in Tel Aviv. According to numbers provided by the Attorney General’s Office, only six indictments were handed down out of 572 arrests made at protests. Those six were for assaulting police officers.

[300 meter distance is the red line at protests. 

If it’s so for AG’s home, it’s so for public officials]

*Best excerpts from

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