07 June 2023

Rabbi Weissman – OU Feeling the Pride ... and much more

Mashiach must be just "behind the door" peeking out at these atrocities

1. OU aggressively pushed the Amalek shots.  Certified OU Kosher.

2. OU actively supports the kefira front organization JOWMA.   Certified OU Kosher.

3. Pride Parade Float Cookie Kit, celebrating the LGBTQIA+ community.  Certified OU Kosher (dairy).

4. OU Kosher Receives Jerusalem Award At Arutz Sheva Conference

5. Arutz Sheva disguised government covid propaganda as “news stories”.

6. Incestuous back-scratching between well-paid shills for the establishment is par for the course, and OU Kosher.

7. We need a Bud Lite moment.

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If a rabbi declares a pig is kosher, it doesn't change the status of the pig.  It changes the status of the rabbi.  Same with many other declarations a rabbi might make.

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Lead "story" on the Slimes of Israel prior to the to'eiva march. 

Perhaps better referred to as queer story hour, or a good old-fashioned blood libel.  

According to the "News Desk Manager and Women’s Affairs reporter" at the Jerusalem Post, who has made a career out of promoting the celebration of homosexual sex, those who engage in this and related behaviors should not only be accepted as Orthodox, they are actually "holy, holy, holy".  Parades celebrating homosexual sex, cross-dressing, operations to appear more like the other gender, and other such enlightened things are holy.  

oh that poor little girl

She even found a super duper “Ultra Orthodox rabbi” who agrees, so there.
Merely "accepting" this stuff is primitive already.  If you don't consider it holy, you are a hate-filled homophobic extremist, secretly desiring all this yourself, and most likely a ticking time bomb terrorist murderer.  You better stay quiet. Big Brother Shabak is watching.

The goal posts have moved, and you better move along with them.  
Holy, holy, holy.  

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What is the line that has to be crossed before Orthodox Jews will Bud Lite an organization, company, or media source?  I mean seriously Bud Lite them.

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Fathers and mothers get a day.  Homosexuals and cross dressers get a month. That says it all.

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Here's a picture worth a thousand words.  It raises questions and gives answers at the same time.

World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 1996 - Peres, Arafat & Schwab


notice: two of them are now DEAD 

NOT part of the Rabbi’s submission.
I am adding this on as it seems to be the “other side of the coin” in this situation.

Red alert as Pentagon mobilizing thousands of aircraft for war with China and Russia. 

"[…] thousands of mothballed aircraft are being restored into service. They are reportedly being sent to the Philippines and Poland for staging for war. It is estimated this means we are only six months away from world war.” 

...we watch the various news items declare bizzare happenings (continued crises in Ukraine & europe) and a total (moral and legal) breakdown of the USofA (with infection of this ‘virus’ in Israel) and at the same time the build-up of steps leading to a world war. The US has (pathologically) sent all of its amunition and ‘defense fighting supplies’ to the Ukraine, leaving behind who knows what to defend an attack on the homeland. The demented demmoncrats are digging their own graves. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To those Amaleikim shown above, y'shmom v'zichrom!