07 June 2023

DANIEL on the End of Days

 From “The Living Nach” on Daniel

1Now at that time, Michael, the great prince, who stands over the children of your people, will be silent, and it will be a time of distress that never was since a nation existed until that time, and at that time, your people will escape, everyone who is found inscribed in the book.

2And many who sleep in the dust of the earth will awaken-these for eternal life, and those for disgrace, for eternal abhorrence.

3And the wise will shine like the brightness of the sky, and those who bring the multitudes to righteousness like the stars forever and ever.

4And you, Daniel, close up the words and seal the book until the time of the end; many will run to and fro, and the knowledge will increase.

5And I, Daniel, saw, and behold two others were standing, one on this side of the river bank, and one on that side of the riverbank.

6And he said to the man clad in linen, who was above the waters of the river, "How long will it be until the secret end?"

7And I heard the man clad in linen, who was above the waters of the river, and he raised his right hand and his left hand to the heavens, and he swore by the Life of the world, that in the time of [two] times and a half, and when they have ended shattering the strength of the holy people, all these will end.

8And I heard, but I did not understand, and I said, "My lord, what is the end of these?"

9And he said, "Go, Daniel, for the words are closed up and sealed until the time of the end.

10They will be clarified and whitened, and many will be purified, and the wicked will pervert [them], and all the wicked will not understand, but the wise will understand.

11And from the time the daily sacrifice was removed and the silent abomination placed, is one thousand, two hundred, and ninety.

12Fortunate is he who waits and reaches days of one thousand, three hundred, and thirty-five.

13And you, go to the end, and you will rest and rise to your lot at the end of the days."

footnotes are just those of Rashi, the others are Ibn Ezra and R. Saadia Gaon:

Now, I believe there are 45 days difference between both “days” statements.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, if we could only understand.
But, soon, soon we will know!
